
Pierros E Colombinas - Carnaval com Amor, Carnaval com Humor (1981)

SomLivre 4036245

The complete track list of all the tracks in the medleys and their composers is too big for me to retype it here, but you can read it on the back cover.

Here is just the short list:

Lado A

Baile de mascaras
Saudade, Adeus
Sorte... Amor E Flor

Lado B

Chiquita, Cabelo E Sassarico
Tudo É Carnaval
Minha Nega
Grana, Mé E Puxa-Saco
Galo, Gato E Mulher
Seleçào 82


Colaboração:  Arquivos Seraend

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