Rádio 0036-V
Edú da Gaita
was already re-presented in another parallel reality in form of a re-post from Loronix and can be accessed by clicking UPON THIS TEXT.
Here is another 10' LP by the virtuoso gaita player, a combination of Luiz Bonfa, Rimsky-Korsakov, Saint-Saens, Luis Bandeira and Luis Telles compositions.
1. Capricho Espanhol (Rimsky-Korsakov)
a) Alvorada
b) Cena cigana
c) Canto cigano
d) Fandango de Asturias
2. O Cisne (Saint-Saens)
3. Velhos Tempos (Luiz Bonfá)
4. Cafundó (Luiz Bandeira) Motivo nordestino
5. Tierra Guarani (Luis Telles)
6. Alma Castelhana (Luiz Bonfá) com Luiz Bonfá
Créditos: Pedro & 300discos