RCA LZ-1321
A special Argentinian edition of the Tamba Trio 1975 album with two songs left out and two songs added. Clearly, the airline company Varig was the sponsor of this promotional release introducing their, to the fleet newly added DC-10, as indeed you will find photographs of the plane also on the back cover alongside the usual, towards the Brazil bound tourists aimed, pictures.
Fortunately the (Spanish) text on the back cover not only mentions Tamba Trio, but gives a text about each of all three members: Hélcio Milito, Luis Eça and Bebeto, event printing their complete names: Hélcio Paschoal Milito, Luis Mainzil da Cunha de Eça and Adalberto José de Castillo e Souza (Bebeto).
The edition consists of these compositions:
01. Las 3 de la Manana (Três Horas da Manhã) (Ivan Lins / Waldemar Correia)
02. Jugo de Fruta (Visgo de Jaca) (Rildo Hora / Sérgio Cabral)
03. Bola Bolita (Ou Bola Ou Búlica) (João Bosco / Aldir Blanc) com João Bosco
04. A Orillas del Mar (Beira-mar) (Ivan Lins)
05. Maestro Bimba (Mestre Bimba) (Luis Eça / Helcio Milito / Adalberto)
06. Chorino Nº 1 (Chorinho Nº 1) (Durval Ferreira)
07. Juego de la Vida (Jogo da Vida) (Danilo Caymmi / Sidney Miller)
08. Sanuijuela (Sanguessuga) (Toninho Horta / Fernando Brant)
09. Ventanas (Janelas) (Ivan Lins / Ronaldo Monteiro de Souza)
10. Contra el Viento (Contra O Vento) (Danilo Caymmi / Ana Borba)
11. No tiene Perdon (Não tem Perdão) (Ivan Lins / Ronaldo Monteiro de Souza)
12. Llamada (Chamada) (Hélio Delmiro / Paulo César Pinheiro)
Créditos: Pedro & 300discos
THE REPLACED TRACKS by Stu Blagden / Frank-Oliver:
The added tracks for this edition are Nao tem Perdão and Mestre Bimba,which were taken from the LP Tamba (1974) replacing Olha Maria and Beijo Partido.