
Altamir Penha e Edison Penha - Violoes Em Hi-Fi (1966)

Farroupilha LPFA-423

Altamir Penha and Édison Penha have their debut on Parallel Realities, without much chance to re-appear in the future, as this is their only (?) album, which was, by the way, presented a long time ago on Loronix, so you may read Zeca's text about this release on Órfãos do Loronix.

The musicians participating are:

Édison Penha: Violão
Altamir Penha: Violão
Zezinho e Azeitona: Contrabaixo
Airto Moreira: Bateria

The compositions performed are:

01. Nós e o Rio (Altamir Penha / Édison Penha)
02. Samba de Verão (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sérgio Valle)
03. Carinhoso (Pixinguinha / João de Barro)
04. Menina Flor (Luiz Bonfá / Maria Helena Toledo)
05. Odeon (Ernesto Nazareth)
06. Olê, Olá (Chico Buarque)
07. Simone (Altamir Penha)
08. Samba Society (Altamir Penha)
09. Mágoas do Coração (Altamir Penha)
10. Patrícia (Édison Penha)
11. Samba Meu (Altamir Penha)
12. Tempo Feliz (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

Ademilde Fonseca - Choros Famosos (1962)

Philips P 630.460 L

Ademilde Fonseca, the Queen of Choro, sings again on Parallel Realities.

As this album was presented for the first time on the net by the legendary Loronix, you may read Zeca's text about it on Órfãos do Loronix.

Some more music by Ademilde you may find in another reality.

Here is the track list:

01. Tico-Tico No Fubá (Zequinha de Abreu / Eurico Barreiros)
02. Sonhando (K-Ximbinho / Del Loro)
03. Dinorah (B. Lacerda / Viúva Cacilda L. Porto)
04. Apanhei-te Cavaquinho (Ernesto Nazareth / Adpt. Darci de Oliveira)
05. Pedacinhos do Céu (Waldir Azevedo / Miguel Lima)
06. Sonoroso (K-Ximbinho / Del Loro)
07. Flor do Abacate (Álvaro Sandim "Santini" / Felippe Tedesco)
08. O Que Vier Eu Traço (Alvaiade / Zé Maria)
09. Comigo É Assim (Luis Bittencourt / José Menezes)
10. Carinhoso (Pixinguinha / João de Barro)
11. Doce Melodia (Abel Ferreira / Luis Antônio)
12. Delicado (Waldir Azevedo / Ari Vieira)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos