
Os Rouxinois e Pachequinho e Sua Orquestra - Isto E Sucesso (1963)

Copacabana CLP 11320

Os Rouxinóis, a vocal group, accompanied by Maestro Pachequinho's orchesra and Maestro Pachequinho's orchestra without Os Rouxinóis are performing successes of the period. For me and others who do not know anything about the Rouxinois here is the list of the singers. A few more words about them may be found on the back cover.

About Pachequinho, who is a well known Maestro, I will just remind that he has recorded under the suspicious sounding nom de guerre of Don Pacheco.

Os Rouxinóis are:
Jair Avelar
Raul Moreno
Mário Machado

The tracks performed are:

Lado A com Os Rouxinóis e acompanhamento de Pachequinho e Sua Orquestra.

01. O Passo do Elefantinho (Baby Elephant Walk) (Henry Mancini / Vrs. Ruth Blanco) - Os Rouxinóis
02. Uirapuru (Murillo Latini / Jacobina) - Os Rouxinóis
03. Papai Walt Disney (Papa Walt Disney) (A. V. Savona / G. Giacobetti / Espírito Santo) - Os Rouxinóis
04. Zé da Conceição (João Roberto Kelly) - Os Rouxinóis
05. Tudo de Mim (Jair Amorim / Evaldo Gouveia) - Os Rouxinóis
06. Sonho de Menina (Denise Belamar) - Os Rouxinóis

Lado B somente com Pachequinho e Sua Orquestra:
07. Afrikaan Beat (Bert Kaempfert) - Maestro Pachequinho
08. Making Believe (J. Work) - Maestro Pachequinho
09. Al Di La (Mogol / Carlo Donida) - Maestro Pachequinho
10. Sonhar Contigo (Adilson Ramos / Armelindo Leandro) - Maestro Pachequinho
11. Maria (Leonard Bernstein / Stephen Sondheim) - Maestro Pachequinho
12. Autumn Souvenies (Boudleaux Bryant / Felice Bryant) - Maestro Pachequinho


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

Tito Romero Com Orquestra de Cordas - Sambas Maravilhosas (1959)

Polydor LPNG 4032

When searching for singer Zézinho one has to take in account that and endless number of various Zézinhos will appear and that it will take patience, skill and luck to fish out THE Zézinho one is looking for.

Well, that is an old story and I have pointed out this problem in another time and another reality.

When searching for piano player João Leal Brito the procedure is the exact opposite: Typing João Leal Brito into the search box leads immediately to piano player João Leal Brito and that's where the above mentioned opposite problem begins. Almost daily I discover false names under which João Leal Brito is hiding. So far there have been: First of all Britinho (a deminutive of his real name), Pierre Kolmann (the mysterious Frenchman), Franca Villa (the Mexican revolucionário) and now another one of his false identities appeares:
This time, he is signed as Tito Romero (former president of former Yugoslavia).

Who knows who he will be next...

While brainstorming about this matter, enjoy Tito's renditions of:

01. Laura (João de Barro / Alcyr Pires Vermelho)
02. Quisera (Waldir Machado / Bené Guimarães)
03. Por Causa de Você (Tom Jobim / Dolores Duran)
04. A Grande Verdade (Luis Bittencourt / Marlene)
05. Suas Mãos (Ayres da Costa Pessoa "Pernambuco" / Antônio Maria)
06. Tu (Ary Barroso)
07. Deixe Que Ela Se Vá (Evaldo Gouveia / Gilberto Ferraz)
08. O Sereno Falou (Jota Júnior / Oldemar Magalhães)
09. Longe dos Olhos (Djalma Ferreira / Cristóvão de Alencar)
10. Aquelas Palavras (Luis Bittencourt / Benny Wolkoff)
11. Falemos de Nós (Sebastião Gomes / Manoel da Conceição)
12. Saudades do Rio (Joel de Almeida)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos