
Biriba Boys Vol.3 (1962)

Chantecler CMG 2191

And now the third album by the Boys, labeled appropriately: Vol.3.

With the compositions:

01. Nós Três (Sergio Weiss / Celso Athayde / J. Alves)
02. Samba Jazz (Cop-out) (Duke Ellington)
03. Moonlight Fiesta (Ângelo Apolônio ''Poly'')
04. С'est Si Вon (Henri Вetti / André Нornez)
05. Misty (Errol Garner / Johnny Burke)
06. Weed-end (Sidney Jacobino)
07. Chorando Chorando (Edson Borges / Armando Cavalcanti)
08. Dizem Por Aí (Manoel da Conceição / Alberto Paz)
09. Meu Nome É Ninguém (Haroldo Barbosa / Luis Reis)
10. Сanção Que Morre no Ar (Сarlos Lуra / Ronaldo Вôsсoli)
11. Taboo (Margarita Lecuona)
12. Hola Twist (B. Yuniror / J. Zeller)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

FAMILY BACKGROUNDS by Bossanov: Sérgio Weiss (Sérgio Adelchi Bonádio Weiss) was member of the family of ceramica factory owners from São José dos Campos (east of Sao Paolo)

Biriba Boys - Festa de Ritmos (1961)

Chantecler CMG 2145

The second career album by the Biriba Boys, features also a musicians list, unfortunately, except for contrabass player Carlos Ivan and drummer Antônio Carlos , all other performers are credited on the back cover only with their first names. Further research identified also Wilson as Wilson Benedetti and Sidney as Sidney Jacobino.

Here is the musicians list as printed on the back cover:

Sergio (Órgão, Solovox, Piano, Vibrafone)
Wilson (Saxofone, Clarinete)
Celso (Guitarra
Sidney (Acordeom)
Carlos Ivan (Contrabaixo)
Clemente (Piston)
Antônio Carlos (Bateria)
Roberto (Ritmo)
Jurandir e Ivan (Voz)

The compositions are clearly identified as: 

01. Cheiro de Saudade (Djalma Ferreira / Luis Antônio)
02. Nunca Mais (Ed Lincoln / Silvio César)
03. Look For A Star (Miсhael Antonу)
04. Trumpet Cha Cha Cha (Billy Mure)
05. A Certain Smile (Рaul Franсis Webster / Sammy Fain)
06. Delilah Jones (Elmer Вernstein / Sуlvia Fine)
07. Silk Stop (João Donato)
08. Não Diga Não (Tito Madi / Georges Henry)
09. Nossos Momentos (Luis Reis / Haroldo Barbosa)
10. Caraguatatuba (A. Cursino / Sergio Weiss)
11. Una Miradita Nada Más (Humberto Suarez)
12. Tua (G. Malgoni / B. Pallesi)

CARAGUATATUBA (whatever this might mean)

Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

ADDITIONAL FACTS: by Bossanov: Sergio Weiss (Órgão, Solovox, Piano, Vibrafone) was the leader of Biriba Boys till LP Biribalanço (1965), recorded with João Sidney Jacobino, "Tarzan" (guitarra), as the leader. Sergio then was the leader of Brasilia Modern Six.

ABOUT CARAGUATATUBA by 300discos: Caraguatatuba is a city in São Paulo coast. The city name comes from the Tupi language. It means "a place of many caraguatás". Caraguatá is a thorny Brazilian plant that produces clusters of yellow fruits extremely acid.

Biriba Boys - Biriba Alegra O Brasil (1960)

Chantecler CMG 2072

Rhythmic and melodic sounds of the Biriba Boys premiered in this parallel reality with their first career album recorded in 1960 for Chantecler.

The Boys are performing:

01. Prece ao Sol (Wilson Batista / Jorge de Castro)
02. In The Mood (Joe Garland / Andy Razaf)
03. Wake The Town And Tell The People (Jay Livingston / Sammy Gallop)
04. Quem É (Osmar Navarro / Oldemar Magalhães)
05. Hô-bá-lá-lá (João Gilberto)
06. ''Seleção de Chá-chá-chá'':
      Ya-ya Chá-chá-chá (B. May)
      Undecided (Charlie Shavers / Sid Robin)
      Ahora Seremos Felices (Rafael Hernandez)
      Cha-chazinho (Sylvio Mazzucca)
07. Menina Moça (Luis Antônio)
08. Não Tive Tempo (Haroldo Barbosa / Nanai)
09. Leva-me Contigo (Dolores Duran)
10. Não Sei Dizer (Sergio Weiss)
11. Marcianita (José Imperatore Marcone / Galvarino Villota Alderete)
12. Nugats de Cugat (Cugat / Angullo)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos