
Chico Maranhao e Renato Teixeira (1969)

O Jogral MPLP-003

01. Cabocla (Chico Maranhão) com Mércia
02. Verdureiro (Chico Maranhão)
03. Cirano (Chico Maranhão)
04. A Capital (Chico Maranhão)
05. Morena (Chico Maranhão)
06. Mulata Bem Suada Abençoada (Chico Maranhão)
07. Álbum de Família (Renato Teixeira)
08. Igreja Matriz (Renato Teixeira)
09. Feriado Nacional (Renato Teixeira)
10. Era Azul (Renato Teixeira)
11. Maria Dirce (Renato Teixeira)
12. Meu Amor Meu Namorado (Renato Teixeira) com Cristina Buarque

Bonus Tracks:

13. Dadá Maria (Gal Costa & Renato Teixeira)  com Gal Costa
14. Madrasta (Beto Ruschel & Renato Teixeira)  com Beto Ruschel
15. Só com você, Marilena (João Camargo Neto & Renato Teixeira)  com João Camargo Neto
16. Meu Chorinho virou Pranto (Renato Teixeira) 
17. Frete (Renato teixeira)
18. Arraial (Renato Teixeira)
19. Chico (tema de livre para voar) (RenatoTeixeira)
20. Minha triste Casa Grande (Renato Teixeira)


Créditos: Koama

EDIT by Tristão
This was one of the first releases on Discos Marcus Pereira, released with the name Jogral on the label. The Jogral was the bar where the principal people of the label would meet. This album was recorded on primitive equipment in Marcus Pereira's apartment.


  1. This was one of the first releases on Discos Marcus Pereira, released with the name Jogral on the label. The Jogral was the bar where the principal people of the label would meet. This album was recorded on primitive equipment in Marcus Pereira's apartment.


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