
Silvana - A Versatil (1962)

Beverly BLP-80.733
Corisco COR-0321

This morning I have received a package of Silvana's albums and compactos from friend Iluvatar Orozimbo. The first one I am posting consists of the following compositions:

01. Nossa Canção (Moacir Braga / Enzo Riettio)
02. Doçura (Alcyr Pires Vermelho / Maria Isabel)
03. Novilheiro (Novillero) (Maria Teresa Lara / Vrs. Fernando Barreto)
04. Quando se Tem Amor (Altamiro Carrilho / Armando Nunes)
05. Terezinha de Jesus (João Leal Brito "Britinho" / Fernando César)
06. Desenhei Corações (Collid Filho / Oldemar Magalhães)
07. O Dia Que Me Queiras (El Dia Que Me Quieras) (Carlos Gardel / Alfredo Le Pera / Vrs. Haroldo Barbosa)
08. Chama de Paixão (Fred Jorge / Archimedes Messina)
09. Siboney (Ernesto Lecuona / Vrs. João de Barro)
10. Sonho de Amor e Paz (Waltel / Joluz)
11. Quando o Amor Chegar (Altamiro Carrilho / Jair Amorim)
12. O Amor Que Sonhei (Marco Aurélio)


Créditos: Iluvatar Orozimbo


  1. Could you post albums by singer Agnaldo Rayol? I'm looking for his first LP recorded in 1958 by the Copacabana label, and also the LP Sonhos Musicais, Se ela Voltar, etc. Could you post these LPS?

    1. I have only one album by Agnaldo Rayol:
      O Que Eu Canto (1971).


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