
Santana e seu Regional - Um Baile no Cacamba (N/D)

Chantecler CLP 2.014

Fred Jorge has written a text about Santana, composer and leader of his Regional, as well as about this (unlisted) album, which you may find printed on it's back cover.

While reading, enjoy the premiere of:

01. Trombone Manhoso (Santana)
02. Paulista de 32 (Santana)
03. Vida Mansa (Santana)
04. Samba Em Paris (Paulo Barreiros)
05. Prograssivo (Santana)
06. Dança de Bonecos (J. M. Alves)
07. Personalissimo (Helio Cobra / Santana)
08. Pernilongo (Georgino Abrange / Helio Cobra)
09. Caçamba (Santana / Haroldo de Souza)
10. Chacoalhando (Avaré / José ea Silva)
11. Vai da Valsa (Helio Cobra / Santana)
12. Pelé (Santana)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

1 comment:

  1. My god where do you find them Milan!?? When you get a chance ask Pedro for the album by Brazil4Ever--it was on Loronix but unfindable now.Happy New year!


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