
Um Baile Com Luizinho e Seu Conjunto - 10 Inch Lp (1957)

Columbia LPCB 35037

This album by the still mysterious piano player Luizinho was already presented in this parallel reality in form of it's second (12') edition with 4 additional compositions which were previously released on 78 rpm albums.

As you might have expected, this, original 10' version consists of 8 compositions:

1. Canção do Mar (Ferrer Trindade / Frederico Brito) Fado Fox
2. Peguei Um Ita No Norte (Dorival Caymmi) Fox
3. Xótis Do Netinho (Ângelo Apolônio ''Poly'' / Victor Dagô) Chótis
4. Assobiador Preguiçoso (The Lazy Whistler) (H. Biddy / H. Hollanger) Fox
5. La Goualante Du Pauvre Jean (Marguerite Monnot / René Rouzaud) Fox
6. Biruta (Castro Perret / Amado Régis) Fox
7. Vivo a Chorar (Porfírio Damasceno) Fox
8. Lisboa Antiga (Raul Portela / Amadeu do Vale / José Galhardo) Fox


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

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