
Dupla Ouro e Prata - Lagrimas de Barracao (1957)

Polydor LPN 2024

The first album (10' Lp from 1957) by the vocal duo Dupla Ouro e Prata consists of two composers and singers Miguel Ângelo Roggieri and Oswaldo Cruz.

Two 1958 albums (the later one with Rubião de Oliveira instead of Oswaldo Cruz) have been presented in this parallel reality and their links are, as I am writing this text, still working.

The songs are:

1. Adeus Marapé (Miguel Ângelo Roggieri / Osvaldo Cruz)
2. Capote De Pobre É Cachaça (Antoninho Lopes / Victor Simon)
3. Cacareco (Irvando Luis / Miguel Ângelo Rogieri)
4. Linda Mocinha (Mário Vieira / Arlindo Pinto)
5. Lágrimas de Barracão (Osvaldo Cruz / Miguel Ângelo Roggieri)
6. Seu Relógio (Fernando César / Nazareno de Brito)
7. O Drama Do Chofer (Miguel Ângelo Roggieri / Osvaldo Cruz)
8. Boi Bumbá (Waldemar Henrique)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos 

1 comment:

  1. Love these two guys Milan--this is really wonderful.And thanks for all the nice Azevedo stuff too.Stu


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