
Os Coroas da Fuzarca - Em Ritmo de Samba (1970)

Tropicana TRO-3003

Meet Os Corôas da Fuzarca, an orquestra which has recorded (as far as I know) only two career albums, both in 1970, of which the one presented today is unlisted.

While waiting for their second album, which will be posted soon, enjoy:

01. Tico-Tico No Fubá (Zequinha de Abreu)
02. Samba Fantástico (Zezinho / J. Manzon / L. Antueri)
03. Aquarela do Brasil (Ary Barroso)
04. Flying Down To Rio (G. Kahn / Eliescu / V. Youmana)
05. Olhos Negros (D. P.)
06. South American Way (Al Dubin / McHugh)
07. Na Baixa do Sapateiro (Ary Barroso)
08. A Felicidade (A. C. Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
09. Carioca (G. Kahn / Eliescu / V. Youmana)
10. Não Tenho Lágrimas (Max Bulhões / Milton de Oliveira)
11. Copacabana (João de Barro)
12. Santa Lucia (D. P.)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

1 comment:

  1. Songful listening for brazilian instrumental music lovers like me,

    Thanks for sharing


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