
Clarinetinho - Saudoso Toda A Vida (1966)

Fantasia/Philips FLP 2034

Clarinete player Netinho "Clarinete" accompanied by Os Cinco Boêmios for the first time with a career album (his first out of at least four) on Parallel Realities. Up to now he has been presented in this parallel reality only as sideman on various recordings.

My first impression before listening to this album was that Os Cinco Boêmios must be a vocal group, (contrary to Nethinho, they are just mentioned in the text on the back cover) but they are not. Their names are unknown but you may easily find out which instruments they are playing by listening to:

01. Carrossel (Netinho)
02. Alma Em Adoração (D. R.)
03. Nada Além (Custódio Mesquita / Mário Lago)
04. Samba no Escuro (Darci Barbosa)
05. Sertão do Meu Amor (Netinho)
06. Jubiabá (D. R.)
07. Saudoso Toda a Vida (Longe de Minha Terra) (Porfírio Costa)
08. Bamboleio Diferente (Porfírio Costa)
09. Biombo Chinês (Augusto Vasseur)
10. Sambarrumbarey (Ruy Rey / Paulo Villara)
11. Nessa Reta Eu Não Vou (Porfírio Costa)
12. Lembranças do Passado (D. R.)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


  1. This is marvellous musicianship--the older i get the more i love Choro and Samba.Choro can sometimes be a little predictable but not when its this well played.Keep 'em coming guys!

    1. Stay tuned, Stu.
      Samba and Choro are rolling in as I write.

  2. Caro Milan,
    Feliz Ano Novo!
    Por curiosidade, encontrei no Google a indicação para "Netinho - Clarinetinho No. 2" - 1970.

    1. Thank you Brito.
      I wish you also a Happy New Year.
      I found the date of this recording on Memoria Musical Brasileira as '66, but other sources give different dates: '69, 70...
      So, it is still unclear to me when it was really released. Anyway, the most important fact about this LP is, from my point of view, that it sounds great.

  3. What we really need is more Nanai!! That live recording you posted here is one of my absolutely favourite Brazilian recordings of all time.This Nanai below from 1956 is equally superb--is it from an LP or just a '78? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyzMiUJCAF8


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