
Resala's Band (1969)

RCA Victor BBL 1493

The other album by Resala "Turquinho" which was premiered on Lornix several years ago. You may read all about it on Órfãos do Loronix where Zeca's text has been reprinted.
Beside these two albums, there is also a third one from 1961 called Merengada which is, as far as I know, unavailable.

Here is the list of the band members, mostly listed with first names and nicks. Note that Zezinho is playing piano:

Resala "Turquinho": Bateria
Edgar "Capitão", Dorival "Buda", Erotides "Cunhado" e Waldir: Pistom
Severino "Bill", Arlindo, Firmo, Francisco "Paco" e Iran: Trombones
José Ferreira "Casé" e Arnaldo "Dinho": Sax alto
Hélio Marinho e José Ribamar: Sax tenor
Percio "Goiabinha": Sax barítono
Xu Viana e Gabriel: Contrabaixo
Rubens "Rubão": Ritmo
Paulo Lima, Zézinho e Mário Casali: Piano

The tracks:

01. Alfie (Burt Bacharach / Hal David)
02. Corrida de Jangada (Edu Lobo / Capinan)
03. Yesterday (John Lennon / Paul McCartney)
04. Tem Dó (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
05. By The Time I Get To Phoenix (Jimmy Webb)
06. Sá Marina (Antônio Adolfo / Tibério Gaspar)
07. Resala's Theme (Carlos Piper)
08. Triste (Tom Jobim)
09. Soulful Strut (E. Record / S. Sanders)
10. Imagem (Luis Eça / Aloysio de Oliveira)
11. F... Comme Femme (Salvatore Adamo)
12. This Guy's In Love With You (Burt Bacharach / Hal David)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos  

Turquinho e Seu Conjunto - Samba de Bossa (1963)

Chantecler CMG 2212

Drummer and band leader Resala aka Turquinho for the first time on Parallel Realities. As this album has already been presented on Loronix, you are advised to read more about it on Órfãos do Loronix where Zeca's original text is reprinted.

Also you may want to read a text on the back cover written by Humberto  Marçal, starting with: "Caro amigo, turquinho!"

Meanwhile enjoy:

01. Céu E Mar (Johnny Alf)
02. O Barquinho (Roberto Menescal / Ronaldo Bôscoli)
03. Meditação (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça)
04. Fuga (Renato de Oliveira / Nazareno de Brito)
05. Desafinado (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça)
06. Samba de Uma Nota Só (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça)
07. Nunca Mais (Ed Lincoln / Silvio César)
08. Água de Beber (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
09. Zelão (Sérgio Ricardo)
10. Murmúrio (Djalma Ferreira / Luis Antônio)
11. Ternurinha (Tereza Souza)
12. Chorou Chorou (Luis Antônio)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos  


Guarana e Sua Orquestra - Recordando... (1958)

Polydor LPN 2016

First career album of Gustavo Carvalho - Maestro Guaraná (a 10' Lp) recorded in 1958. Two other of his Lps + two participations can be found (and downloaded) HERE, which leaves only one (?) of his career albums unavailable at this moment...

Read the linear notes and/or just enjoy:

1. Branca (Zequinha de Abreu) Valsa
2. Despertar da Montanha (Eduardo Souto) Tango
3. Eponina (Ernesto Nazareth) Valsa
4. Turbilhão de Beijos (Ernesto Nazareth) Valsa
5. Pintinhos no Terreiro (Zequinha de Abreu) Choro
6. Do Sorriso da Mulher Nasceram As Flores (Eduardo Souto) Valsa
7. Tardes Em Lindóia (Zequinha de Abreu / Pinto Martins) Valsa
8. Brejeiro (Ernesto Nazareth) Choro


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos  


Jorge Goulart - Brasil em Ritmo de Samba (1956)

Continental LPP 22

Although singer Jorge Goulart has been featured on many Carnaval recordings presented in this parallel reality, this is the first time I am posting one of his career albums: A 10' Lp from 1956.

Accompanied by Radamés Gnattali e Sua Orquestra, Jorge is singing:

1. Onde O Céu Azul É Mais Azul (Alcyr Pires Vermelho / Alberto Ribeiro / João de Barro)
2. Aquarela do Brasil (Ary Barroso)
3. Isso É Brasil (José Maria de Abreu / Luis Peixoto)
4. Isto Aqui O Que É (Ary Barroso)
5. Canta Brasil (Alcyr Pires Vermelho / David Nasser)
6. Tudo É Brasil (Vicente Paiva / Sá Róris)
7. Brasil Usina do Mundo (João de Barro / Alcyr Pires Vermelho)
8. Brasil Moreno (Ary Barroso / Luis Peixoto)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos  


Dance com Robledo e Seu Conjunto (1958)

Mocambo LP 40005

Robledo (the one in the bluish suit) and his straw hatter conjunto in another para dançar action.

From 1958!

The dancing tracks are:

01. Chove Lá Fora (Tito Madi)
02. The Green Door (Marvin Moore / Bob Davie)
03. Senhorita (Tito Madi)
04. Les Feuilles Mortes (Joseph Kosma / Jacques Prévert)
05. Soñando Contigo (Vedasto Acosta)
06. Carinhoso (Pixinguinha / João de Barro)
07. A Lavadeira (sube Espuma) (Marion Sunshine / Obdulio Morales)
08. Concerto D'autunno (Camillo Bargoni / Danpa)
09. Conversa de Botequim (Noel Rosa / Vadico)
10. Refrain (Geo Voumard / Emile Gardaz)
11. 'na Voce 'na Chitarra e 'o Poco 'e Luna (Carlo Alberto Rossi / U. Calise)
12. Chuva e Pranto (Sidney Morais / Osvaldo Quirino)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

Trio Ars Anima - Piazzolla: 4 seasons in Buenos Aires

Astor Piazzolla: Winter in Buenos Aires:

Live in Kruševac, Serbia 2016

Mileta Stanković - Cello
Snežana Stanković - Piano
Ivan Kundičević - Violin  


Paulo Mezzaroma - Sucessos de Uma Estrela (1957)

Polydor LPN 2020

The first album to present from the just arriving package sent by Pedro & 300discos is a 10' Lp that has been on my wish list for quite a long time: Violin player Paolo Mezzaroma's Sucessos de Uma Estrela.

Paolo Mezzaroma has been featured in this parallel reality with individual songs on compilation albums but never before with a career album.

Here he is, renamed by Polydor from his original Italian name Paolo to Paulo and accompanied by conjunto.

Feeling Romantic? Invite the right person, turn the lights down low and enjoy:

1. Não Tenho Você (Paulo Marques / Ari Monteiro) Samba
2. Acordes Que Choram (Othon Russo / Nazareno de Brito) Samba
3. Sambes Mentir (Othon Russo) Bolero
4. Pra Que Saber (Roberto Roberti / Arlindo Marques Júnior) Samba-canção
5. Encantamento (Othon Russo / Nazareno de Brito) Fox
6. Abandono (Nazareno de Brito / Presyla de Barros) Samba-canção
7. Fuga (Renato de Oliveira / Nazareno de Brito) Samba-canção
8. Coisas do Passado (Renato César / Nazareno de Brito) Samba-canção


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

Noel Rosa, o Poeta da Cidade

O bate-papo musical “Noel Rosa, o Poeta da Cidade” foi adiado para o dia 13 de julho (quarta-feira).
O Espaço Furnas Cultural recebe, no dia 30 de junho (quinta-feira), o bate-papo musical
Noel Rosa, o Poeta da Cidade com os pesquisadores de MPB João Carino e André Diniz,
e participação especial do músico Alfredo Del Penho.

A apresentação compõe o evento de abertura da exposição

Teremos comidinhas & bebidinhas. Esperamos por você!  
*Chegue cedo. Evento sujeito a lotação.

Noel Rosa, o Poeta da Cidade

Bate-papo musical com André Diniz e João Carino. Participação especial de Alfredo Del Penho.

Data: 13 de julho, quarta-feira
Horário: 19h
Local: Espaço Furnas Cultural
Endereço: Rua Real Grandeza, 219, Botafogo, RJ.



Gregorio Barrios e O Trio Irakitan (1961)

Odeon MOFB 3203

Self explaining, but Joagus explains even more in his text on the back cover:

Enjoy the beautiful voices of Gregório Barrios and the Trio Irakitan singing:

01. Mar (Gabriel Ruiz / Ricardo Lopes Mendez)
02. Sin Motivo (Gabriel Ruiz)
03. Duerme (Miguel Prado / Gabriel Luna de La Fuente)
04. Farolito (Agustín Lara)
05. Cuatro Personas (Tu Yo Papá Y Mamá) (Rafael Hernandez) Interprete: Gregório Barrios
06. Ahora Seremos Felices (Rafael Hernandez)
07. Alma Llanera (Pedro Elias Gutierrez)
08. Nocturnal (José Sabre Marroquin / Frei José Mojica)
09. Ti-pi-tin (María Grever / Aldieri)
10. Acorrugadita (Julio Brito)
11. Cielito Lindo (Tradicional)
12. Marta (Moisés Simons)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Os 7 Diabos (1963)

Odeon MOFB 3348

A clear case of anonymous, probably renowned musicians recording together as the fictional 7 Diabos for Odeon their only (?) recording under that name.

The writer of the linear notes, signed as IRV. so that his clergyman can not identify him, does not tell us anything about their identities, but, as usual in such cases, describes the music track by track.

The instruments are identified as: Órgão, bateria, contrabaixo, guitarra, violão, sax e piano + vocal.

One name leaked: Celso Murillo has done the orchestration of:

01. Agora É Cinza (Alcebíades Barcelos "Bide" / Armando "Marçal")
02. Jarro da Saudade (Mirabeau / Daniel Barbosa / Geraldo Blota)
03. Zé da Conceição (João Roberto Kelly)
04. Começou Assim (Luis de França)
05. Porteiro, Suba E Veja (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira)
06. Tamanco no Samba (Orlandivo / Hélton Menezes)
07. Está Chegando A Hora (Tradicional / Adpt. Henricão / Adpt. Rubens Campos)
08. Um Brasileiro nos States (Rildo Hora / Marcos André)
09. Está Nascendo Um Samba (Tito Madi / Romeo Nunes)
10. Promessa (Uma Promessa Que Eu Fiz) (Jaime de Carvalho "Colô")
11. Madrugada Zero Hora (Dora Lopes / Genival Melo)
12. Carmelito (Caminito) (Juan de Dios Filiberto / Gabino Coria Peñaloza / Vrs. Henricão / Vrs. Rubens Campos)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

Almir Ribeiro - Uma Noite No Cave (1957)

Copacabana CLP 3108

Singer Almir Ribeiro for the first time on Parallel Realities.

Two back cover texts will explain more than I can.
One is written by Vinicius de Moraes and the other one by Jordão Maghalhães.

Acompanhamento: Conjunto e Coro do Cave:
Aloísio Figueiredo (Acordeom, Piano)
Pierre (Guitarra)
Nestor (Contrabaixo)
Zequinha (Bateria)

Arranjos e Direção: Aloísio Figueiredo

1. Fui Eu (Aloísio Figueiredo / Nelson Figueiredo) Samba
2. Se Todos Fossem Iguais A Você (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes) Samba
3. Sempre Teu (Aloísio Figueiredo / Edson Borges) Samba
4. Falaram de Você (Hervé Cordovil / René Cordovil) Samba-canção
5. Without My Lover (Bernard Michel / Pierre Guitton / Philippe Gérard) Fox
6. Only You (Buck Ram / Ande Rand) Fox
7. If I Loved You (Richard Rodgers / Oscar Hammerstein II) Canção
8. Because (Guy D'hardelot / Edward Teschemacher) Canção


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Eduardo Rovira - Tango

Parallel Movies by Milan Filipović (2016)

The newest spot created for:

Mileta Stanković - Cello
Snežana Stanković - Piano

Directed by Milan Filipović


Trio Nago (1956)

Continental LPP 35

Another 10' Lp by the vocal Trio Nagô.


1. Prece Ao Vento (Gilvan Chaves / Alcyr Pires Vermelho / Fernando Luis Câmara) Toada
2. Mocambo de Paia (Gilvan Chaves) Toada
3. Terra Seca (Ary Barroso) Samba
4. Dora (Dorival Caymmi) Samba
5. Aquarela Cearense (Waldemar Ressurreição) Samba
6. Na Baixa do Sapateiro (Ary Barroso) Samba
7. Louco da Praia (Graça Batista / Álvaro Castilho) Canção
8. Ladeira do Amor (Amado Régis / Graça Batista) Corrido


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Blecaute - Black-Out (1956)

Copacabana CLP 3065

Blecaute or Black-Out was a participant of many Carnavals and featured on lots of appropriate albums.
On the other hand, his list of career albums counts only a few. The 10' Lp presented today is a collection of compositions previously released as 78rpms in 1954, 1955 and 1956.

The songs he is singing are:

1. Agarradinho (Blecaute / Vicente Amar) Xótis 78rpm: 5.381 / 1955
2. Minha Senhora (Klécius Caldas / Armando Cavalcanti) Samba 78rpm: 5.419 / 1955
3. Quem Será (Quien Sera) (Pablo Beltrán Ruiz / Vrs. Lourival Faissal) Mambo 78rpm: 5.381 / 1955
4. Cabrocha (Amado Régis / João Bené) Samba 78rpm: 5.319 / 1954
5. Vou-me Embora Sá Dona (Blecaute) Toada 78rpm: 5.575 / 1956
6. Linguagem do Povo (Edgar Nunes / Zeca do Pandeiro) Samba-maxixe 78rpm: 5.495 / 1955
7. Use a Cabeça (Carneiro Filho / Jorge de Castro) Samba 78rpm: 5.495 / 1955
8. Caridade (Nelson Cavaquinho / Ermínio do Vale) Samba 78rpm: 5.319 / 1954


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Baile Na Roca (1955)

Copacabana CLP 2011

A nice Copacabana 10' LP featuring various artists...

Have fun with:

1. Seleção de Baião:
    Dia dos Namorados (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira) Orlando Silveira
    Bota Água Na Canjica (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira) Orlando Silveira
    O Delegado Quer Prender o Antônio (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira)
    Baião - com Regional e Coro - Orlando Silveira

2. O Baile Começa às Nove (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira) Marcha - com Conjunto e Coro - Roberto Silva

3. Ingrata Rosinha (Adacyr Nunes / Valdir Ribeiro) Toada-baião - Blecaute

4. Quadrilha (Alencar Terra) Quadrilha - Alencar Terra

5. Fogueira (Joubert de Carvalho) com Conjunto e Coro  -  Roberto Silva

6. São João (Alcyr Pires Vermelho / Cláudio Luis) com Orquestra e As três Marias - Jorge Goulart

7. Eu Fiz Uma Prece (Bucy Moreira / Ari Cordovil / Araguari) com Conjunto e Coro - Jorge Veiga

8. Seleção de Baião:
    Fale na Orelhinha de Cá (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira) - Orlando Silveira
    Santo Antônio Não Gosta (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira) - Orlando Silveira
    Lá Vem a Rita (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira) Baião com Regional e Coro - Orlando Silveira


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Os Impossiveis San Papas - Edicao Extra No 2 (1972)

Copacabana CLP 11696

The new package sent to us by Pedro & 300discos has just arrived and it is full of albums from the fifties, yet, contrary to my usual practice I am posting the newest album found in it so far: The second special edition by Os Impossíveis San-Papas which completes their discography under the name of Os Impossíveis San-Papas.
Also, I just found out that sometimes it is worth the effort to read the fine print, found in unusual places: On the front cover for instance, instead of the usual back cover location, where I have completely disregarded it while trying to establish the number of present Zézinhos by comparing blurry photographs.
The names of the performers are, similarly to the previous post's front cover, also clearly displayed on this second part of the special editon:
José Paulo Soares (Zézinho) is clearly identified as Zézinho, while the suspect of being the other Zézinho is José Mathias da Silva.

The complete list of musicians goes as follows:

José Paulo Soares (Zézinho)
Osni S. Cassab
Otávio Basso (Otavinho)
José Mathias da Silva (Zézinho?)
Odésio Jerico da Silva
Antonio Ghizzi Rodrigues

On the other hand, the track list consists of:

01. La Paranda (Barry Lipman)
02. Heb Di Schorsch (E. Koetscher)
03. Don't Take Your Love Away (Tony Hatch / Jackie Trent)
04. Down The Road (M. Tobaldy)
05. Song Sung Blue (Neil Diamond)
06. Sweet Sunday  (M. Millius)
07. Dando Fora (Tom / Dito / Zé Manoel (2))
08. Muitos Rios Já Passaram (Many Rivers) (K. West / K. Burges / Vrs. Nazareno de Brito)
09. Quem Vai Chorar (Apres Toi) (Klaus Munro / Y. Desca / M. Panas / Vrs. Sebastião Ferreira da Silva)
10. Ana Rosa (Humberto Teixeira)
11. Salinas das Margaridas (Raimundo Prates)
12. Cordão do Beija-flor (Fred Falcão / Arnoldo Medeiros)

Musical direction by Maestro Leo Peracchi
Produced by Nazareno de Brito


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Os Impossiveis San Papas - Edicao Extra (1972)

Copacabana CLP-11676

A slight change of name, or rather an addition, but it's our new aquantances: The guys of Os Impossíveis. Although this album is three years younger than the previous one, chances are that, comparing the cover photos of both albums, the formation is still the same, so can't guarantee it but probably both Zézinhos are present also on this one.

The songs are:

01. Soley Soley (Fernando Arbex)
02. Fim de Semana - Sitamalobadudo (Daniel Vangarde / Amado Jaen / vers. Nazareno de Brito)
03. Misaluba (Cyan / Gloasy / M. Capuano vers. Nazareno de Brito)
04. Mamy Blue (Hubert Giraud / vers. Nazareno de Brito)
05. Lady Rose (Dorset)
06. Martin Cererê (Zé Catimba / Gibi)
07. A Festa do Santo Reis (Marcio Leonardo)
08. Imagine (John Lennon)
09. I'm so happy - Igual Que Ayer, Igual Que Antes (Anibal Conti / Carlos Iturbide)
10. Maggie May (Rod Stewart / Martin Quittenton)
11. A Chuva Cai Em Mim - Rain (H Bouwens vers. Nazareno de Brito)
12. Mangueira, Minha Querida Mangueira - Tengo Tengo (Zuzuca)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

Os ImpossIveis - Missao Sucesso (1969)

Copacabana CLP 11563

The premiere of Os Impossíveis on Parallel Realities is, beside being a musical event, also a reason for all Zézinho fans to start singing a Song of Joy!

The Impossibles made it possible to have two (2) Zézinhos on one LP!

Incredible, but true. Check the list of musicians and you will see it yourselves:
The musicians: Jericó, Zézinho, Zézinho, Tavinho, Osní and Robertinho are performing:

01. Canção Latina (Olmir Stocker ''Alemão'' / Vítor Martins)
02. Se Você Pensa (Roberto Carlos / Erasmo Carlos)
03. Moreninha Linda (Tonico / Priminho / Maninho)
04. Cantarola Nº 1 (Christian)
05. Rain And Tears (Evanghelos Papathanassiou / B. Bergman)
06. Chiquita Bacana (João de Barro / Alberto Ribeiro)
      A Jardineira (Benedito Lacerda / Humberto Porto)
07. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (John Lennon / Paul McCartney / Vrs. Fred Jorge)
08. Volte Para Mim (Nun To Me) (Tony Hatch / Jackie Trent / Vrs. Alexandre Cirus)
09. Wave (Tom Jobim)
10. Il Mio Mondo (Umberto Bindi / Gino Paoli)
11. Vou Chorar Mais Uma Vez (Antônio Marcos)
12. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (Jerome Kern / Otto Harbach)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

THE NAMES THEY ARE A CHANGING by Paulo Castelo Branco:
Os Impossíveis (selo Copacabana) (1968-1969) = The Fellows (selo Copacabana) (1965-1966) = San Papas (anos 70).

Oscar Castro-Neves e Sua Orchestra - Big Band Bossa Nova (1962)

Audio Fidelity AFLP 1983

This album was already posted on Loronix, so, as usual, read all relevant facts about it on Órfãos do Loronix where Zeca's text is reprinted.

The artists:

Oscar Castro Neves: Piano
Iko Castro Neves: Contrabaixo
Henri: Violão
Roberto: Bateria
Hélio Marinho, Zé Bodega, Emílio e Genaldo: Saxofone
Clélio Ribeiro: Pistom
Norato: Trombone
Chico Feitosa, Gilson e Ilson: Percussão

Arranjos e Regências: Astor Silva

The Bossa Novas: 

01. O Menino Desce o Morro (Vera Brasil / De Rosa)
02. Desafinado (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça)
03. Não Faz Assim (Oscar Castro Neves)
04. Chora Tua Tristeza (Oscar Castro Neves / Luvercy Fiorini)
05. Chega de Saudade (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
06. Zelão (Sérgio Ricardo)
07. Samba de Uma Nota Só (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça)
08. Outra Vez (Tom Jobim)
09. Patinho Feio (Oscar Castro Neves / Dolores Duran)
10. Menina Feia (Oscar Castro Neves / Luvercy Fiorini)
11. Doralice (Dorival Caymmi / Antônio Almeida)
12. Aula de Matemática (Tom Jobim / Marino Pinto)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Conjuntos de José Marinho, Netinho, Waltel Branco e João Donato - Dance Conosco (1960)

Copacabana CLP 11171

As this various artist album was presented on Loronix, take my advice and read Zeca's text about it on Órfãos do Loronix.

João Donato, José Marinho, Netinho, Waltel Branco and their conjuntos + Altamiro Carrilho in:

1. La Leyenda Del Beso (Reveriano Soutullo / Juan Vert) José Marinho e Seu Conjunto
02. Ginga do Caramujo (Orlando Costa "Maestro Cipó") Netinho e Seu Conjunto
03. Devaneio (Djalma Ferreira / Luis Antônio) Waltel Branco e Seu Conjunto
04. Caravan (Duke Ellington / Irving Mills / Juan Tizol) José Marinho e Seu Conjunto
05. Mambinho (João Donato) João Donato e Seu Conjunto - Solo de Flauta: Altamiro Carrilho
06. Minha Saudade (João Donato / João Gilberto) João Donato e Seu Conjutno - Solo de Flauta: Altamiro Carrilho
07. Mambo Tropical (José Marinho) José Marinho e Seu Conjunto
08. Sob o Luar (Waltel Branco / Ivo Branco) Waltel Branco e Seu Conjunto
09. I Could Have Danced All Night (Alan Jay Lerner / Frederick Loewe) Netinho e Seu Conjunto
10. Cheio de Saudade (Waltel Branco) Waltel Branco e seu Conjunto
11. É do Que Há (Luiz Americano) Netinho e Seu Conjunto


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Absolutamente Certo - Movie Soundtrack (1957)

Mocambo LP-10029


Soundtrack from the '57 movie directed by Anselmo Duarte.


Anselmo Duarte
Dercy Gonçalves
Odete Lara

The music:

1. Absolutamente Certo - tema do filme - Henrique Simonetti com Grande Orquestra
2. Jura - samba - (J. B. Silva / Sinho) com Dercy Gonçalves
3. Não Tenho Lágrimas - melodia - (M. Bulhões / M. de Oliveira) com acordeon e violão
4. Enrolando O Rock - rock and roll - (Bethinho e Heitor Carill) com Erlon Chaves
5. Onde Estou? - fantasia - (Hervé Cordovil / Vicente Leporace) com Grande Orquestra
6. Quando Eu Digo - cha-cha-cha - (Bilio Frometa / Julio Nagib) com Orquestra
7. Agora É Cinza - samba - (M. Bulhoes / M. de Oliveira) com Nilton Rezende
8. Não Tenho Lágrimas - samba - (M. Bulhões / M. de Oliveira) com Nilton Rezende

FILM 22.April.2012 New link

Créditos: João Carlos Telis

P.S. You may watch the complete film on YOUTUBE 

Lana Bittencourt for Columbia + Rarities

The Lana Bittencourt package received from João Carlos Telis included also a folder with several 78rpms recorded for Columbia and another one labeled "Rarities".
Unfortunately, a copyright check revealed that not all songs from these two folders can be shared, so I had to leave them out of this post.

Enjoy those tracks that you can now, as tomorrow you might be advised to look for them yesterday:

78rpm Columbia recordings  (1955-1961):

01. Gato Preto (Newton Santos / Álvaro Matos / Aristides Filho) Marcha
02. Ataliba E Seu Bombardão (Haroldo Barbosa) Maxixe
03. Feliz Natal (Klécius Caldas / Armando Cavalcanti) Fox
04. Amame (Possess me)
05. A Noite É Nossa (Possess Me) (Joe Lubin / Irving Roth / Vrs. Fernando César)
06. O Milagre da Volta (Fernando César / Armando Cavalcanti)  Fox
07. Escala de Cores (Inara Simões de Irajá)  Samba canção
08. Quero-te Assim (Tito Madi) Valsa
09. The Only Way To Love (Jimmy Krondes / Paul Evans)   Fox
10 .Sonhando (Dreamin') (Barry de Vorzon / Ted Ellis / Vrs. Juvenal Fernandes)


11. Leva-me Contigo (Dolores Duran)
12. Boato (João Roberto Kelly)
13. Corcovado (A. C. Jobim)
14. Cancao da Volta (Ismael Netto / Antônio Maria)
15. Ninguem va me dizer (It's not for me to say) (Al Stillman / Robert Allen)


Créditos: João Carlos Telis

Paulinho e Seu Piano - Ritmo Fascinante No 3 (1959)

Copacabana CLP 11099

Presenting the only (?) recording by piano player Paulinho (Paulo Lima de Jesus).

A long and informative text about him, the musicians of his conjunto, his art, career and compositions performed, can be found on the back cover and it is written by Egas Muniz.

The musicians:

Paulinho (Piano)
Quatí (Bateria)
Marcos (Timba e Afuxê)
Nelson (Contrabaixo)
Walter (Sax tenor)
Alonso (Piston)
Victor (Flauta)

The compositions:

01. Concerto de Varsóvia (The Warsaw Concerto) (The World Outside) (Richard Addinsell / Carl Sigman)
      Pot-pourri: Seleção de Clássicos Em Ritmo de Samba :
      Allegro Molto Moderato (Edvard Grieg)
      Concerto Nº 1 Op 23 (Tchaikovsky)
      Prelúdio Op 3 (Sergei Rachmaninoff)
02. Till (Carl Sigman / Charles Danvers)
03. Prelúdio (Hervé Cordovil / Vicente Leporace)
04. Concerto D'autunno (Camillo Bargoni / Danpa)
05. Mais Um Outono (Ivan Paulo / Nilton Pereira)
06. I Love Paris (Cole Porter)
07. O Rei do Samba (Hervé Cordovil / Vicente Leporace)
08. Love For Sale (Cole Porter)
09. Tente Sorrir (Ivan Paulo / Nilton Pereira)
10. Poinciana (Nat Simon / Buddy Bernier)
11. Paulinho no Choro (Paulinho)
12. All The Way (Jimmy Van Heusen / Sammy Cahn)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Trio Ars Anima - Piazzolla: 4 seasons in Buenos Aires

Astor Piazzolla: Autumn in Buenos Aires:

Live in Kruševac, Serbia 2016

Mileta Stanković - Cello
Snežana Stanković - Piano
Ivan Kundičević - Violin 

Paulinho e Seus Night-Boys - Certinho Para Dancar (1961)

RCA Camden CALB 5015

This first album by Paulo Nunes (and his Night-boys) I have re-posted from Loronix back in 2011 in the other reality. A check revealed that the link has expired, so I am re-posting it once more:

01. Murmúrio (Djalma Ferreira / Luis Antônio)
02. Dans Mon Île (Henri Salvador)
03. All My Tomorrows (Sammy Cahn / Jimmy Van Heusen)
04. Bandebop (Baden Powell / Paulo)
05. I'll Remember April (Gene de Paul / Don Raye / Patrícia Johnston)
06. Ri (Luis Antônio)
07. Crepúsculo (Silvio Viana)
08. Indiscretion (Alessandro Cicognini / Sammy Cahn / Paul Weston)
09. Se Você Disser Que Sim (Luiz Bandeira)
10. Moonlight In Vermont (John Blackburn / Karl Suessdorf)

Zeca's text about this release you may read on Órfãos do Loronix where it is re-printed.


Créditos: Zecalouro

Paulinho e Seus Night-Boys - Disco Dancante (1963)

RCA Camden CALB 5074

Paulinho e Seus Night-Boys in another nightly para dançar action, which completes their discography, consisting of 3 career albums.

Dance to:

01. Teleco-teco Nº 1 (Waldir Calmon / Paulo Nunes)
02. Nós E O Mar (Roberto Menescal / Ronaldo Bôscoli)
03. Lullaby Of Birdland (George Shearing / B. Y. Forster)
04. O Amor Em Paz (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
05. A Tua Volta (Sebastião Barros)
06. Et Maintenant (Gilbert Bécaud / Pierre Delanoé)
07. Sally's Tomato (Henry Mancini)
08. Canção de Nós Dois (Hélton Menezes / Roberto Jorge)
09. Io (Domenico Modugno / Franco Migliacci)
10. Foi Deus (Alberto Janes)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Paulinho e Seus Night-Boys - Certinho Para Dancar No 2 (1962)

RCA Camden CALB 5039

Whoever visited Loronix surely remembers the beautiful cover of Certinho Para Dancar by Paulinho e Seus Night-boys.
In the just arrived package from Pedro & 300discos I found two more albums by this artist (a guitarist) and his band.
The first one to be presented is the second volume of Certinho Para Dancar, wrapped in a differently designed but also very interesting cover, minimalistic in all aspects...

The compositions are:

01. Drink Em São Paulo (Djalma Ferreira / Paulo Nunes)
02. Do Jeito Que a Gente Quer (Ed Lincoln)
03. Maria Conga (Orlandivo / Roberto Jorge)
04. Wheels (Richard Stephens / Jimmy Torres)
05. O Barquinho (Roberto Menescal / Ronaldo Bôscoli)
06. Dona Baratinha (Almeida Rego / Newton Ramalho)
07. Verão Em Lisboa (Paulo Nunes)
08. Tufão (Ary Barroso)
09. Never On Sunday (Ta Pedia Tou Pirea) (Manos Hadjidakis / Vrs. Billy Towne)
10. Gone With The Wind (Max Steiner)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Theodoro Nogueira - Vinte Preludios "Cantos Caipiras" (1969)

Chantecler CMG-1048

Composer Theodor Nogueira presented by Lydia Alimonda on piano

About the author and the piano player you have two separate texts on the back cover which leave no aspect of their careers unmentioned, so I suggest reading it.

Here I will only mention that the artistic direction is by Braz Baccarin.

Of course here is also the track list, or rather numeration:

01. No 01 (Vagaroso)
02. No 02 (Animado)
03. No 03 (Vagaroso)
04. No 04 (Animado)
05. No 05 (Vagaroso)
06. No 06 (Animado)
07. No 07 (Vagaroso)
08. No 08 (Animado)
09. No 09 (Vagaroso)
10. No 10 (Animado)
11. No 11 (Vagaroso)
12. No 12 (Animado)
13. No 13 (Vagaroso)
14. No 14 (Vagaroso, Animado, Vagaroso)
15. No 15 (Vagaroso)
16. No 16 (Vagaroso)
17. No 17 (Animado)
18. No 18 (Vagaroso)
19. No 19 (Animado)
20. No 20 (Vagaroso)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

Chico Antonio - No Balanco do Ganza (1982)

Funarte T006

Presenting singer and composer Chico Antônio with his only recording, published by Funarte.

As you might have imagined I have never before heard about him, nor heard his music, so there is not much I can tell you.

On the other hand the back cover and the inner cover are densely covered with texts written, among others also by Lelia Coelho Frota from the information service of Funarte...

Memoria Musical gives also additional information which I have copied and pasted below:

Gravado ao vivo no Sítio das Porteiras, município de Pedro Velho - RN, nas casas de Chico Antônio e seu filho, nos dias 28 de agosto e 26 de setembro de 1982, quando Chico Antônio já estava com 80 anos.

Participação Especial de Paulírio nas resposta aos cocos ou nos refrões

1. Boi Tungão (Chico Antônio)
    Ê Tingue-lê (Chico Antônio)
2. Serrador Bota o Pau na Serra (Chico Antônio)
3. Onde Vais Helena (Chico Antônio)
4. Usina (Tango No Mango) (Chico Antônio / Paulírio)
5. É Luquinha da Lagoa (Chico Antônio)
6. Vou no Mar (Chico Antônio)
7. Curió da Beira-mar (Chico Antônio)
8. Pinto Pelado (Chico Antônio)
9. Boi Tungão (Chico Antônio)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Wilson Miranda Vol. 4 (1962)

Chantecler CMG 2148

Presenting singer Wilson Miranda for the first time in this parallel reality.

I will tell you nothing about him as not to spoil the pleasure of reading five different texts about him and his art on the back cover, written by: Jair de Taumaturgo, Jair Amorim, Enzo de Almeida Passos, Sergio Galvão and Henrique Lobo.

The songs:

01. Corre Coração (Speedy Gonzales) (Buddy Kaye / David Hill / Ethel Lee / Vrs. Juvenal Fernandes)
02. Maria (Leonard Bernstein / Stephen Sondheim / Vrs. Renato Corte Real)
03. Balada do Amor Maior (As Big As My Love For You) (Leon Carr / Hal David / Vrs. Wilson Miranda)
04. A Menina Sonha Azul (Tito Madi)
05. Até Breve (Yassu) (Ned Washington / Dimitri Tiomkin / Vrs. Wilson Batista)
06. Stella By Starlight (Ned Washington / Victor Young)
07. Mais Uma Vez (just One Time) (D. Gibson / Vrs. Oiram Santos)
08. Sol (Mário Albanese / Jorge Duarte)
09. Fama e Fortuna (Fame And Fortune) (Kosloss / Gould / W. Conn / Packard / Vrs. Antônio Galvão / Vrs. Ciro Cruz)
10. Choro (Waldemar Espinosa Garcia)
11. Quero Mas Não Posso (Joaquim Taborda)
12. I've Got You Under My Skin (Cole Porter)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Zeca do Trombone - Rota-mar (1983)

Continental 1.01.404.280

Zeca do Trombone for the first time on Parallel Realities with his second career album (out of altogether five).
I have no idea which instrument Zeca do Trombone might be playing but on the other hand I could, maybe, guess the ingredients of the cocktails he and the two other sobriety champions were drinking at the moment the photograph for the encarte was taken.

The compositions performed are:

01. Rota-mar (Hilton Assunção / José Salema)
02. Gávea Um Beijo de Cinema (Zeca do Trombone / José Salema)
03. Exílio de Coração (Zeca do Trombone / José Salema)
04. Em Busca de Mim (Tom da Bahia / José Salema)
05. Boa Nova (Zeca do Trombone / Rô do Carango / Gonzales)
06. Manteiga de Garrafa (Martinho da Vila)
07. Papo Coração (Eduardo Prates / José Salema)
08. Alô Brasil (José Salema / Hilton Assunção)
09. Navegante (Tom da Bahia / José Salema)
10. Te Queria (Elias de Búzios)
11. Grito da Pele (Tom da Bahia / José Salema)
12. Pastores da Noite (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Boliche Trio (1966)

Chantecler CMG 2406

A premiere on Parallel Realities of the only recording by the Boliche Trio, actually a duo consisting of:

Theo de Barros: Violão, Baixo
Renato Mendes: Órgão

with the participation of:

Heitor, Arrudinha e Carlinhos: Bateria
Chú, Mathias, Nilson e Capacete: Contrabaixo
Paulo Queiroz: Órgão (fx. 7)

This album is without the original back cover, so Pedro made one up (and it looks incredibly authentic) adding linear notes with information found on Vinyl Maniac's site.

The track list goes as follows:

01. Estamos Aí (Durval Ferreira / Maurício Einhorn / Regina Werneck)
02. Fivela Preta (Messias Santos Jr. / Pery Ribeiro)
03. Aleluia (Edu Lobo / Ruy Guerra)
04. Mais Ou Mendes (Benê)
05. Preciso Aprender A Ser Só (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sérgio Valle)
06. Renê (Renato Mendes)
07. Sonho de Um Carnaval (Chico Buarque)
08. Consolação (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
09. Plenitude (Benê)
10. Amor de Nada (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sérgio Valle)
11. Jackeline Kennedy (Heraldo do Monte / Xú Viana)
12. Festa do Samba (Denis Brean / Osvaldo Guilherme)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


J. S. Bach - Air

Mileta Stanković - Cello
Snežana Stanković - Piano

 Directed by Milan Filipović

As you have probably noticed by now, I have recently created PARALLEL MOVIES by Milan Filipović, a channel on YouTube, with the purpose of publishing some of my commercial and non-commercial videos.

Here is another one from a series of spots made for my friend Professor Mileta Stanković a renowned Serbian cello player and Snežana Stanković, his beautiful wife, accompanying him on piano.

I hope you'll enjoy.

Lothar e Seu Violino - Boite Internacional (1959)

Chantecler CMG 2018

Violin player Lothar Gebhardt for the first time in this parallel realitiy with his first career album out of two (?), the other one also called Boite International (second part)

As I expected judging by his name, Lothar was really born in Germany and studied at the Cologne Music Academy...
This is how his story starts, while how it continues you may find out reading the long and informative linear notes written by Fred Jorge, who can tell you more facts about Lothar than I can, as I have just encountered him and his music for the first time.

The visitors of international clubs back in 1959, were dancing to:

01. Piove (Domenico Modugno / Verde)
02. Coimbra (Raul Ferrão / José Galhardo)
03. Orchids In The Moonlight (Vincent Youmans / Gus Kahn / Edward Eliscu)
04. Sueño Azul (J. L. Navarro Sanz / P. G. Lafuente)
05. Amado Mio (Allan Roberts / Doris Fisher)
06. La Paloma (Sebastian Yradier)
07. Sleepy Lagoon (J. Lawrence / E. Coates)
08. Estrellita (Manuel Ponce)
09. Am Schwarzen Meer (No Mar Negro) (Léo Rodi)
10. Violino Tzigano (Cesare Andrea Bixio / Bruno Cherubini)
11. Te Quiero Dijiste (María Grever)
12. Loucura (Sidney Morais / Heitor Carillo)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


A former member of the pre-war Dresden String Quartet, and professor of violin and the University of Bahia, Brasil, Lothar Gebhardt played solo violin at the inauguration of Brasilia in 1960. And in the 1980s he was my revered violin teacher, in Steinhagen, near Bielefeld, Germany, I learned so much from him about the violin, violinists, music and life. It is a joy to listen again to his brilliant technique, his rich, warm tone, and the glissando and vibrato of the early 20th century coffee house style of which he was a master.

I studied violin with Lothar Gebhardt for 3 years around 1983-1986. He helped me select my very nice Bohemian made violin. His own 'violin hero' was Fritz Kreisler and his playing style clearly reflects this influence very strongly. In fact he mentioned to me once that there had been several occasions when people thought Kreisler was playing. As Fred Jorge points out, his playing ability was stupendous - my own experience was of a combination of perfect technique with warm romanticism and powerful emotions - and a great sense of humour.
I knew that Lothar Gebhardt was second violin in a Dresden string quartet, but didn't know it was the Fritsche Quartet. What he told me about his move to Brazil was that the quartet had been on tour in Brazil when WWII broke out and, being Germans, they were unable to return to Germany from Brazil. I don't know anything about his stay in Sao Paulo, as mentioned by Fred Jorge, but he told me himself that he became professor for violin in Bahia. His association with the Escóla de Musica da UFBA (Universidade Federal da Bahia) is confirmed on this page.
He stayed in Brazil and became very popular. He showed me several LPs on which he figured as "Lotario", playing the electric viola. Unfortunately I do not have copies of these discs. He told me that he returned to Steinhagen, Germany, because his wife was seriously ill, in the 1970s, I believe. He had been offered a position by Yehudi Menuhin at Menuhin's famous school, but turned it down because of his wife's illness. Tragically, his last years were shadowed by memory loss, and he passed away a few years ago.


Don Pacheco e Sua Orquestra - Bailando com Don Pacheco (1959)

Polydor LPNG 4051

One of the first career albums by Maestro Pachequinho, alias Don Pacheco.
More about this release you may read in the linear notes written by Braga Filho.

Beautifully orchestrated sounds of:

01. É na Guassamba Que Eu Vou (Walgton F. Silva)
02. Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
03. Eterna Melodia (Pachequinho / J. R. de Oliveira)
04. You'll Never Know (Harry Warren / Mack Gordon)
05. No Azul dos Teus Olhos Azuis (Joluz
06. A Filha da Lavadeira (Fonseca Filho)
07. Porque e Para Que (Jaime Florence "Meira" / Fernando César)
08. Madureira Chorou (Carvalhinho / Julio Monteiro)
09. Canção do Amor Distante (Pachequinho)
10. Gimba (Gianfrancesco Guarnieri / Jorge Kaszas)
11. Sing Me a Song Of The Islands (Mack Gordon / Harry Owens)
12. Mulher Ingrata (Rocha Filho)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Francisco Mignone - Modinha

Mileta Stanković - Cello
Snežana Stanković . Piano

 Directed by Milan Filipović


Monarco - Terreiro (1980)

Eldorado 32.80.0361

Sambista Monarco's premiere in this parallel reality with his second career album (out of altogether 5). 

Arranjos e regências de João de Aquino:

01. Homenagem À Velha Guarda (Monarco)
02. Temporal (Doca)
      Mulher Vai Procurar Teu Dono (Rufino)
      Caco Velho (Antônio Caetano)
      Serei Teu Ioiô (Paulo da Portela / Monarco)
03. Sofres Por Querer Liberdade (Mijinha / Monarco)
04. Estácio de Sá Glória do Samba (Monarco)
05. Conselho de Vadio (Alvarenga)
06. Feliz Eu Vivo no Morro (Josias / Pernambuco / Chatim)
07. Silenciar a Mangueira (Cartola)
08. Você Pensa Que Eu Me Apaixonei (Monarco / Alcides Dias Lopes)
09. Chuva (Hortêncio Rocha)
10. Proposta Amorosa (Monarco)
11. Falsa Recompensa (Mijinha / Monarco)
12. Passado de Glória (Monarco)
      Improvisos: Argemiro e Monarco
      Interpretes: Monarco / Doca da Portela
      Participação: Argemiro da Portela

Participação especial da


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Os Sambacanas - Sucessos da Juventude em Tempo de Samba (1969)

Som Maior SMLP 1582

Os Sambacanas not exactly for the first time on Parallel realities as they have already been presented as one of the participants on the VIII Concurso de Musicas Para O Carnaval (1978).
This album was already posted on Loronix, so, as usual, you may read Zeca's text about it on Órfãos do Loronix.

The compositions:

01. Hey Jude (John Lennon / Paul McCartney)
02. Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) (Bart Howard)
03. Romeo Und Julia (Romeu e Julieta) (Henry Mayer / Hans Bradtke)
04. Step Inside Love (John Lennon / Paul McCartney)
05. Perto dos Olhos, Longe do Coração (Dori Edson / Marcos Roberto)
06. Those Were The Days (Gene Raskin)
07. Yesterday (John Lennon / Paul McCartney)
08. Dalila (Delilah) (Les Reed / Barry Mason)
09. E Por Isso Estou Aqui (Roberto Carlos)
10. Namoradinha de Um Amigo Meu (Roberto Carlos)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Robledo - Just in Time (1967)

RCA Victor BBL 1413

Robledo has released the majority of his albums between 1955 and 1958. The album presented today is from 1967 with a quite different repertoire featuring compositions, among others, also by Neil Diamond and Bob Dylan, who were very popular at the time and their songs had their place also in my collection.

The complete track list consists of:

01. Jean (Rod McKuen)
02. Yester-Me, Yester-You, Yesterday (Bryan Wells / Ron Miller)
03. Abraham Martin And John (Richard Holler)
04. Concerto D'autunno (Camillo Bargoni / Danpa)
05. Lay Lady Lay (Bob Dylan)
06. I've Been Hurt (Ray Whitley)
07. My Pledge Of Love (Joe Stafford Jr.)
08. Love's Been Good To Me (Rod McKuen)
09. In a Moment (The Intrigues)
10. Love Is All (Les Reed / Barry Mason)
11. Sweet Caroline (Neil Diamond)
12. Just In Time (Betty Comden / Adolph Green / Jule Styne)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos