
Jadir de Castro e Seus Poliglotas Ritmicos - Samba Internacional (1963)

Philips P 632.167 L

If this is your first encounter with Jadir de Castro, I bet that by looking at the cover you must have assumed that he is a drummer.

If that was your guess, you were right!

I found out that he has recorded (at least) five career albums, out of which the third album, presented now, marks his premiere on Parallel Realities.
Rhythm created, as far as I understood the text on the back cover, mainly as a present to the international community.

His Poliglotas Rítmicos accompanying him, enhanced by the Coro de Joab Teixeira, are:

Jadir de Castro (Bateria)
Jorginho, Copinha e Meirelles (Flauta)
Aderbal Moreira (Sax barítono)
Zé Marinho (Piano)
Coro de Joab Teixeira

On most of the tracks Jadir is featured also as author or co-author: 

01. Nega Apanhou a Sandália (Jadir de Castro)
02. Venez Ici Mademoiselle (Jadir de Castro / Caco Velho)
03. Pensando na Europa (Jadir de Castro / Justino Martins)
04. Aí Mon Vieux (José M. Pinto / Jadir de Castro)
05. Aquarela Carioca (Lombardi Filho / Pedro Rogério)
06. Quizumba no Samba (Jadir de Castro)
07. Arrivé Le Batuque (Jadir de Castro / João Mello)
08. Na Base da Confirmação (Jorge Santos)
09. Samba Pra Nós (Laércio Vieira)
10. Barraco de Palha (Nena Caboclo / Jadir de Castro)
11. Relembrando Paris (Jadir de Castro)
12. Sofrimento Negro (Embaixador)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Carnaval 1970

(1969) Entré/CBS 04150

No text this time, as the pause in the Mexico - Netherlands encounter is about to end...


01. Não Posso Mais (Paquito / Romeu Gentil) Ari Cordovil
02. Quem Quiser Que Vá (Brasinha / Milton de Oliveira) Dircinha Batista
03. Contigo Eu Vou (Eu Vou Eu Vou) (Airton Borges / Moacir Paulo / Adilson Gonçalves) Zilda do Zé
04. O Gato (Miau Miau) (Carlos Imperial / Alden Vieira / Cosendel) Noel Carlos
05. Carnaval de Antigamente (Brasinha / Milton de Oliveira) Linda Batista
06. Deixa Isso Pra Lá (Hilton Nunes / Sebastião Nunes) Paulo Bob
07. Hula-hula (Klécius Caldas / Rutinaldo) Dircinha Batista
08. Ela (Rubem Gerardi / Ari Cordovil) Ari Cordovil
09. Voando Pra Lua (Ulisses Lima) Orquestra CBS
10. Meu Limão, Meu Limoeiro (Tradicional / Adpt. José Carlos Burle) Noel Carlos
11. O Primeiro Clarim (Rutinaldo / Klécius Caldas) Dircinha Batista
12. Lágrima (Raul Sampaio / Ivo Santos) Ari Cordovil
13. Tagarela (Denis Lobo / Carlos Marques / José Filho) Zilda do Zé
14. Levante o Dedo (Otolindo Lopes / Orlando Dias / Jota Albar) Paulo Bob
15. Adeus Amigos (Carlos Imperial / Alden Vieira / Zé Karnaval / Cosendel) Noel Carlos
16. Deixa Que Eu Quero Passar (Minha Tristeza) (Aloísio Marins / Linda Batista) Linda Batista
17. Só Resta Saudade (Esmeraldo Bezerra / Fernando Borges) Orquestra CBS
18. Frevo no Rio (Ulisses Lima) Orquestra CBS


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Maria Ignez - O Tema E Amor (1963)

Mocambo LP 40156

Once more the unexpected happens: Maria Ignez, a cantora from the golden period of Brazilian music unknown to me, gets her premiere on Parallel Realities (a place where unknown cantoras are very welcome) with her one and only (?) career LP recorded for Mocambo at an unknown date. Still, judging by the back cover, where some of Mocambo's previous albums are promoted, combined with a guess, I assume that it must be 1963, or 1962.
If you know the exact year, tell me and I will edit the post correspondingly.

While loosing your time in determining the exact date of this release, enjoy Maria's voice singing:

01. As Folhas Verdes de Verão (The Green Leaves Of Summer) (Paul Francis Webster / Dimitri Tiomkin / Vrs. Paulo Rogério)
02. Cabeça Virada (Carlos Cruz / Jair Amorim)
03. São Teus Olhos (William Duba / Nahum Luis)
04. Vem Meu Amor (Hélio Justo)
05. Tanto Amor Tanta Dor (Romeu Fossati)
06. A Noite e a Prece (Evaldo Gouveia / Almeida Rego)
07. Festa nos Olhos (Jorge de Castro / Wilson Batista)
08. Apelo a Iemanjá (J. Serra / Jossicar)
09. Resignação (Vera Falcão / Murillo Latini)
10. Só o Amor É Divino (Marino Pinto / Sergio Malta)
11. Mamãe Orando (Paulo Gesta / Wilson Ferreira)
12. Canção Dos Aflitos (Murillo Latini / Vera Falcão)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Jose Luciano, Seu Piano e Ritmo - Sambas (1955)

Mocambo LP 10004

This 10' LP by José Luciano has been posted on Loronix and the Loronix copy was re-posted on Parallel Realities in November 2011.
I just checked and found out that the link has expired.
Now I find it in the newest package sent by Pedro & 300discos and use this opportunity to re-new the download link, but this time as a transfer by Pedro with all the covers and label scans.

Enjoy the new old tracks:

1. Risque (Ary Barroso)
2. Nem Eu (Dorival Caymmi)
3. Feitiço da Vila (Noel Rosa / Vadico)
4. Carinhoso (Pixinguinha / João de Barro)
5. Aquarela do Brasil (Ary Barroso)
6. Palpite Infeliz (Noel Rosa)
7. De Cigarro Em Cigarro (Luiz Bonfá)
8. Copacabana (João de Barro / Alberto Ribeiro)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Bossa in Russia

Bossanov has sent me a mail with several links to videos of Russian artists performing Bossa.

Here is a re-print of his mail with links and comments:

"Just to share some nice RUSSIAN music with Braz flavour:

VIDEO 1  2008. Алексей Иващенко и Ирина Богушевская:

Alexei is one of my favourite Russian singer-poets (he is my colleague from the Geographical Faculty of Moscow University) - Alexei Ivashchenko and Irina Bogushevskaya in "Chega de saudade" in Russian. Alexei’s own translation to Russian is so beautiful!!!

Alexei, with another geographer,  Georgy Vassiliev, formed the great duet “Ivasi”, often performing their own songs.

In 2002 Georgy Vassiliev together with 900 people  was taken as hostage by Chechen Terrorists in “DubrovkaConcert Center. Alexei Ivashchenko and some other people jumped from the window and escaped!
More then 170 hostages were killed. Georgy survived, but stopped concert activity. Alexei continued as a singer-poet, but with some saudade! 

VIDEO 2  Aguas de Marco
Another nice translation of AlexeiIrina Bogushevskaya is so charming!!!

VIDEO 3 This is the great Alexander Dolsky (Александр Дольский) from S.Petersburg / Leningrad.

His virtuoso guitar and great poetry in “I’m fool, so…’ («Я глуп и потому…»). It was recorded maybe in 1980, and one of the first bossa novas I heard and immediately loved!

VIDEO 4  This is my favourite Russian jazz-guitar – Alexei Kuznetsov! Very beautiful song with the Vladimir Kull Quartet at the 1965 Moscow Jazz Festival: “The Evening Song” («Вечерняя песня» by Soloviov - Sedoy)

Vladimir Kull (piano)
Alexei Kusnetzov (guitar)
Vladimir Smolyanzki (bass)
Alexander Salganik (drums)

Moscow, June/July 1965

VIDEO 5   Bossa-Nova ("Alyosha") / Босса-Нова ("Алёша»)

Artists: A. Kuznetsov & Variety Orchestra / А. Кузнецов И Эстрадный Оркестр, 1967

Composer: A. Kuznetsov / А. Кузнецов

VIDEO 6  Full album of Alexei from 1981 with nice Bop and some bossa!

VIDEO 7  Not exactly a Russian album by great Estonians - Marju Kuut & Uno Loop! But with a Russian Orchestra – Alexander Ryabov’s (clarinet, sax) Orchestra of Leningrad Radio."

Créditos: Bossanov


Vital Lima - Pastores da Noite (1978)

Tapecar LPX.56

A música de Vital Lime e Hermínio Bello de Carvalho:

01. Bandidos e Bandidos (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho) com Boca Livre
02. Mercedes (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)
03. Romanceiro (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)
04. Molecagem (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)
05. Dedo na Cara (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)
06. Pauleira (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)
07. Ciclo Del Miedo (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho) com Boca Livre
08. Pastores da Noite (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)
09. Igual ao Que Não Foi (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)
10. Açaizeiro (Vital Lima) com Boca Livre / Joyce Moreno
11. Brinco de Princesa (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho) com Boca Livre
12. Baladeira (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)
13. Balaio (Vital Lima / Hermínio Bello de Carvalho)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos 


Саrmеn Соstа Еn Мехiсо (1966)

Polydor (Internacional) 2727067

Breaking news from Moscow:

I just received by Bossanov, our friend from Russia, an album by Carmen Costa which was on my Santa Claus list.

Spanish, of course:

01. A Noite do Meu Bem (Dolores Duran)
02. Berimbau (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
03. La Mentira (Álvaro Carrillo)
04. Cuernavaca En Primavera (Gilberto Urquiza)
05. Quem É (Quien És) (Silvio Lima / Maurílio Lopes / Vrs. Gregorio Barrios)
06. Samba Em Prelúdio (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
07. El Dia (Luis Demetrio)
08. Na Cadência do Samba (Cadencia de Samba) (Ataulfo Alves / Vrs. Ainda Sem Compositor)
09. Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar (Yo Se Que Te He de Amar) (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes / Vrs. Gregorio Barrios)
10. Água de Beber (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
11. Chega de Saudade (Basta de Nostalgias) (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes / Vrs. Mendoza)
12. Ó Deus (Oh Dios) (Waldir Rocha / Vrs. Elena Manriquez)

EL DIA - New link (Corrected archive)

Créditos: Bossanov

EDIT: Bossanov just sent me the complete track 08 which you can download separately by clicking on the text "track 08".
I also corrected and replaced the zip file, which should now be complete.

Waltel Branco - Violao / Recital (1965)

CBS/Masterworks 60121

A premiere of Waltel Branco (with a career album from 1965) on Parallel Realities.
Of course, Waltel has been featured on a number of posts playing as sideman with other artists. You may find such participations by clicking HERE.

Here he is performing these compositions:

01. Velha Modinha (Oscar Lorenzo Fernández)
02. Ponteio e Modinha (Waltel Branco)
03. Argamassa (Waltel Branco)
04. Improviso Nº 1 (Waltel Branco)
05. Devaneio (Waltel Branco)
06. Valsa (Waltel Branco)
07. Sarabanda (Waltel Branco)
08. Minueto (Waltel Branco)
09. Fantasia Em Ré (Luiz Bonfá)
10. Assim Ninava Mamãe (Villa-Lobos) com Jodacil Damaceno
11. O Cravo Brigou Com A Rosa (Tradicional / Adpt. Villa-Lobos) com Jodacil Damaceno
12. Vamos Todos Cirandar (Villa-Lobos) com Jodacil Damaceno
13. Três Peças (Ponteado Acalanto e Choro) (Guerra Peixe)
14. Prelúdio Alla Antiga (Guido Santorsola)
15. Estudos Nº 4 e Nº 5 (Nicanor Teixeira)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos 


Carnaval de 1963

(1962) Continental PPL 12047

While waiting for the Uruguay - England encounter, distract with: 

01. Twist do Carnaval (João de Barro / Jota Júnior) Marlene
02. Garota Que Vai Pra Lua (João de Barro / Jota Júnior) Walter Levita
03. A Vida É Bela (Klécius Caldas / Rutinaldo) Orlando Correia
04. Botão De Laranjeira (Jorge Gonçalves / Brasinha / Rutinaldo Silva) Araci Costa
05. Alguém (Haroldo Barbosa / Luis Reis) Marlene
06. Metade Homem Metade Mulher (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira) Walter Levita
07. Desquitada (Carlos Morais / Luis de Carvalho) Clério Morais
08. Reza (Waldemar Rosario) Jamelão
09. Dama, Valete e Rei (Rutinaldo / Paulo Gracindo) Bill Farr
10. Al de Quem Rega Saudades (João de Barros / Jota Júnior) Orlando Correia
11. Quero Chorar (Oldemar Magalhães / João de Oliveira) Araci Costa
12. Eu Vou Me Aborrecer (Inácio Heleno / João de Oliveira / Castelo) Clério Morais
13. Não Adianta (José Bispo "Jamelão") Jamelão
14. Por Essa Porta (L. Antonio) Bill Farr


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos 


Guanabara Capital do Carnaval - Carnaval de 1961

(1960) Polydor LPNG 4065

Although it is obvious that global interest in Brazil is at the moment focused mainly upon the FIFA World Cup 2014, there should be some of those who might want to continue the Carnaval experience in between matches...

During breaks, turn off the TV and turn on the amplifier. The fun continues with:

01. Joguei Flores no Mar (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira) Milton de Oliveira / Haroldo Lobo
02. Sem Mulata É Fogo (Ricardo Galeno) Blecaute
03. O Bafo do Gato (Monsueto) Edgardo Luis
04. Marcha da Condução (José Messias) José Messias
05. Balançou Balançou (Blecaute / Newton Teixeira) Blecaute
06. Garoto Solitário (Adelino Moreira) José Messias
07. Devagar (Haroldo Lobo / Milton de Oliveira) Milton de Oliveira / Haroldo Lobo
08. A Colombina E O Tamborim (Blecaute / Newton Teixeira) Blecaute
09. Quando Chega Fevereiro (Arnô Canegal / Carvalhinho / W. Silva) Trio de Ouro
10. Samba do Lê Lê Lê (Estanislau Silva / Rosa de Oliveira / William Duba) Blecaute
11. Quantas Lágrimas (Klécius Caldas / Rutinaldo) Trio de Ouro
12. Comício no Morro (Monsueto) Edgardo Luis


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Jose Luciano (1955)

Mocambo LP 10006

Once more a 10' inch LP (my preferred format) released by Mocambo.
This time it is again our old friend since the Loronix days, piano (and rhythm) player José Luciano.

The time travel to 1955 consists of:

1. Rio Antigo (Altamiro Carrilho)
2. Tenderly (Walter Gross / Jack Lawrence)
3. Canta Brasil (Alcyr Pires Vermelho / David Nasser)
4. Mambo En España (Ramon Marquez)
5. Passarinhando (José Luciano)
6. Sous Le Ciel de Paris (Hubert Giraud / Jean Drejac)
7. Perdão (César Cruz)
8. Hello Bluebird (Cliff Friend)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


The Night Lovers cond. Waldemiro Lemke - Quiet Hours (1960)

Hi-Fi Variety Hi-Fi 1005

Waldemiro Lemke has been presented on Parallel Realities with his last career album, on a compilation album by Odeon, as well as arranger and orchestra leader backing Wilma Bentivegna and Leny Caldeira.

Here he is in Quiet Hours from 1960, conducting The Night Lovers as they perform:

01. La Montaña (Augusto Algueró / G. Moreu)
02. Unchained Melody (Alex North / Hy Zaret)
03. Theme Of Summerplace (Steiner)
04. Here In My Heart (P. Genaro / B. Borrelli / L. Levinson)
05. Parlez Moi D'Amour (Jean Lenoir)
06. An Affair To Remember (Harry Warren / Harold Adamson / Leo McCarey)
07. Stardust (Hoagy Carmichael / Mitchell Parish)
08. Romântica (Renato Rascel / Dino Verde)
09. Gelsomina (Nino Rota / Michele Galdieri)
10. Love Letters (Victor Young / Edward Heyman)
11. Fascination (Fermo Dante Marchetti)
12. Farewell To Arms (M. Nascimbene)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


Nestor Campos e Seu Conjunto de Boite - Boite (1957)

Musidisc Hi-Fi 2

Nestor Campos had his premiere on Parallel Realities a short time ago and now out of the newest package, which is slowly transferred to my PC, I fished out as the first his second album, a 10' LP, out of altogether three career albums + two coletâneas + one participation with Turma de Gafieira + four 78 rpms.

For somebody like me who was / and still is a frequent visitor of "Boites", these tracks are pure enjoyment:

1. If You Can Dream (Sammy Cahn / Nicholas Brodszky) Beguine
2. Corcovado (Steve Bernard / Nazareno de Brito) Samba
3. Mulher de Malandro (Heitor dos Prazeres) Samba
4. Juntinhos Só Nós Dois (Edel Ney / Alventino Cavalcanti) Baião
5. Too Close For Comfort (Jerry Bock / Larry Holofcener / George David Weiss) Beguine
6. Old Man Mambo (B. Taylor)  Mambo
7. Passarinho da Noite (Nestor Campos) Baião
8. Ternura (Nestor Campos)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos 


Carnaval de 1964 Vol.2

(1963) Philips P 632.172 L

The 1964 Carnaval recorded '63 for Philips, as the last album out of the latest package received from Pedro & 300discos 

Actually, there was one more LP in the package, but got rejected by Depositfiles' checker so I could not post it. Sorry, but there it is.

The songs and the performers:

01. Esmola de Amor (Stanislau Silva / Antonio Costa / Rosa de Oliveira) Blecaute
02. Marcha do Trouxa (Silvio Lima / De Carvalho) Silvinho
03. Há Coisas Que Só Acontecem Comigo (José Roy / Henrique de Almeida ) Jair Rodrigues
04. Vocé Não Nasceu Pra Titia (Ataulfo Alves) Ataulfo Alves
05. Zonzeira (José Sacconai / Francisco I) Wilson Roberto
06. Perdão Senhor (José Messias / Silvio Lima) Silvinho
07. Não Fui Feliz (Marques Filho) Marco Antônio
08. Me Dá Meu Paletó (Ataulfo Alves / José Bispo) Ataulfo Alves
09. O Luar Uma Orquestra e Você (Newton Teixeira / Black-Out) Blecaute
10. Quem É Que Não Chora (Zininho / Silvio Lima) Silvinho
11. Cara Ou Coroa (Nilo Silva / Mario Marcondes) Marco Antônio
12. Rei da Onda (Paulo Rogério / Wilson Roberto) Wilson Roberto
13. Marcha do Pum Pum (Silvio Lima / Roberto Muniz / De Carvalho) Silvinho
14. Vai Firme (Conde / Geraldo Queiroz) Jair Rodrigues


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos 


Sexteto Plaza - Festival de Ritmos (1958)

Sinter SLP 1756

A premiere of Sexteto Plaza on Parallel Realities or a continuation of previously posted Trio Plaza (1956, featuring Luisinho Eça) and precedent of Plaza Internacional Orchestra (1962) maybe?

Or is only the name of the hotel, bar, restaurant or whatever Plaza might be, the only connection?

The text on the back cover of this album (first of altogether three + 78 rpms covering 1958 - 1959) written by Ari Vasconcelos, Presidente do Clube dos Cronistas de Disco presents us with an interesting sounding recipe for a cocktail called baba de moça and uses the rest of the space on the back cover to explain also the essential ingredients of a successful recipe for para dançar music, but gives no answer to the obvious questions:

1. Who is the girl on the front cover?
2. What and where is the Plaza?
3. Who are the musicians?

Fortunately the track listing is present:

1. Yo Tengo Una Muñeca (Juanito Tremble)
    Covarde (Getúlio Macedo / Lourival Faissal)
    Ay Cosita Linda (Pacho Galan)

2. L'edera (Merci) (Saverio Seracini / Vincenzo D'Acquisto)
    Fascination (Fermo Dante Marchetti)
    Incerteza (Eduardo Patané / Di Veras)

3. É Tão Gostoso Seu Moço (Chocolate / Mário Lago)
    Mocinho Bonito (Billy Blanco)
    Sou Baiana (Luis Bittencourt / Tuiu)

4. Cachito (Consuelo Velasquez)
    Meu Sonho (Pedroca)
    Interesseira (Bidú Reis / Murillo Latini)

5. Se Alguém Disse (Newton Teixeira / Arnô Canegal / Arnaldo Paes)
    É Luxo Só (Ary Barroso / Luis Peixoto)
    Mal-Me-Quer (Cristóvão de Alencar / Newton Teixeira)

6. Eu Não Existo Sem Você (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
    Prece de Amor (René Bittencourt)
    Por Causa de Você (Tom Jobim / Dolores Duran)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos 


Nozinho e Sua Musica - Para O Seu Prazer... (1956)

Copacabana CLP 3069

A premiere of Nôzinho on Parallel Realities happens in form of his first album (a 10' LP) out of altogether three + four 78 rpms, covering the period from 1954 to 1959. At least, that is the information I picked up from Memoria Musical.
A try to find out more about Nôzinho and the muscians that are accompanying him by reading the back cover showed an unexpected result: Absolutely nothing. On the other hand the back cover clearly states the name of the girl decorating the front cover (+ presents a list called: OUTROS SUCESSOS COPACABANA)

While looking at the cover, this time knowing the name of the model, enjoy:

1. Não Tem Solução (Dorival Caymmi / Carlos Guinle) Samba-canção
2. Eterna Melodia (Pachequinho / J. R. de Oliveira) Choro-canção
3. Rojão de Cangaceiro (Nozinho) Rojão
4. Se o Tempo Entendesse (Marino Pinto / Mário Rossi) Samba-canção
5. Orgulho (Nelson Wederkind / Waldir Rocha) Samba-canção
6. Fume Um Cigarro (Victor Simon / David Raw) Samba-canção
7. Pica-pau Pau Pau (Victor Simon / Liz Monteiro) Choro
8. Meu Céu É Você (Gilberto Panicali / Marino Pinto) Samba-canção


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos  

JUST A GUESS by Andreas Dünnewald:

I wonder if it could be Nozinho Feitosa as described in this article.
At least, the featured soloist on this nicely oldfashioned album plays the clarinet, too.

REVIEW by Brito:

E uma pena um arquivo tão desconhecido, para um conjunto tão bom e com uma orquestração tão esmerada, amparada por um saxofone sensacionalmente tocado.


Roberto Coura e Conjunto - Bailes Memoraveis (1965)

Astor ALP-015

The only (?) album by organ player Roberto Coura and his conjunto as a premiere on Parallel Realities.
As much as I try, I can't restrain from expressing my impression after listening to this album countless times ever since I unpacked it from the package received from Pedro & 300discos:

It is simply fascinating!

If you think that the main reason for this exaltation is the newly discovered cantora Maristela, you are right. But it is not only her superb voice and way of singing but also the conjunto's backing with beautiful, discrete conversations between Roberto's organ and Dante's violin, for example on the San Remo flaired Al Di La or on the spectacular Busto Calado...

Needless to say that I started an immediate search for more by Maristela and Roberto Coura, with, unfortunately, thin results: A Maristela (if that is the same one) has 1953 sung on one track of Eu Sou O Baião - Seleções de Humerto Teixeira, while Roberto Coura has recorded an album called Vamos Ao Baile for Golden Records, but it turned out to be a re-edition of the album presented here.

Now the usual question in such cases:

Does anyone have more information?

While shrugging your shoulders in ignorance, read the list of musicians:

Roberto Coura: Órgão 
Waldir: Pistom 
Mineirinho: Sax tenor 
Dante: Violino, Saxofone, Clarinete 
Wilson: Ritmo 
Clodoaldo: Violão 
Argento: Bateria 
Corvino: Trombone 
Nefe: Contrabaixo 
Maristela: Crooner

While waiting for somebody else to tell us more, enjoy:

01. Tema Para Dois (Nazário Cordeiro / Damásio José)
02. Scapricciatiello (Pacifico Vento / Ferdinando Albano) com Maristela
03. Canção Irlandeza (Fritz Kreisler)
04. Mala (Oscar Kinleiner) com Maristela
05. Um Chorinho na Broadway (Roberto Coura)
06. My Prayer (Mi Oración) (Georges Boulanger)
07. Chopin's (Frédéric Chopin)
08. Al Di La (Mogol / Carlo Donida) com Maristela
09. Doce de Coco (Jacob do Bandolim)
10. Love Is A Many Splendored Thing (Paul Francis Webster / Sammy Fain)
11. Peter Gunn (Henry Mancini)
12. Busto Calado (Rubens Silva / Orlando Costa "Maestro Cipó") com Maristela

Créditos: Pedro & 300discos  

EDIT by Milan Filipović:
Roberto Coura recorded at least one more album beside the one presented here: Melodias Imortais, released at an unknown date, containing 12 track.

Sacha's Piano - Drinks After Midnight (1965)

London/Odeon LLB 1008

I just realized that the complete discography on Parallel Realities by the great Sacha Rubin, an all time favourite at my place, is actually missing Drinks After Midnight (1965), an album posted a long time ago on Loronix, which, as far as I know, can not be found any place else.

So I am posting it now.

Also, some links to his other albums, identified as broken, have been fixed.
Now, his complete discography, with all links working, can be found HERE, IN A PARALLEL REALITY.

The tracks, orchestrated by Maestro Cipó, are:

01. All The Way (Jimmy Van Heusen / Sammy Cahn)
02. Who's Sorry Now (Ted Snyder / Bert Karmer / Harry Ruby)
03. Yesterdays (Jerome Kern / Otto Harbach)
04. You Do Something To Me (Cole Porter)
05. Indian Summer (Victor Herbert / Al Dubin)
06. How Deep Is The Ocean (Irving Berlin)
07. They Can't Take That Away From Me (George Gershwin / Ira Gershwin)
08. I'll Never Smile Again (Ruth Lowe)
09. The Song Is You (Jerome Kern / Oscar Hammerstein II)
10. All The Things You Are (Jerome Kern / Oscar Hammerstein II)
11. I Only Have Eyes For You (Harry Warren / Al Dubin)
12. Always (Irving Berlin)

PLAY IT AGAIN, SACHA! New link 26.2.2021

Créditos: Zecalouro


Quinteto de Dalton - Musica Na Madrugada (1959)

Internacional CID 27005

I am posting now the second album from my Santa Claus list, kindly included in the current package by Pedro & 300discos. 

Why a personality of Dalton Vogeler's calibre has been so completely forgotten is beyond my understanding, but there it is. The best I can do is to highly recommend this beautiful album for listening and dancing and to point back to his second career LP O Melhor da Festa (1959) (he recorded altogether 2) which has been initially presented by Loronix and can be found re-posted in another reality.

The musicians of Dalton's quintet:

Dalton Vogeler (Contrabaixo)
Waltel Branco (Guitarra)
Carlinhos (Piano)
Dazinho (Bateria)
Isidoro (Sax tenor)

The para ouvir e dançar tracks:

01. A Morena Que Eu Gosto (Wilson Batista / Marino Pinto)
02. The Velvet Glove (Harold Spina)
03. Ruega Por Nosotros (Rubén Fuentes / Alberto Cervantes)
04. Suas Mãos (Ayres da Costa Pessoa "Pernambuco" / Antônio Maria)
05. Reconciliação (Marino Pinto / Waldemar Gomes)
06. Serenade In Blue (Harry Warren / Mack Gordon)
07. Love Letters (Victor Young / Edward Heyman)
08. No One But You (J. Lawrence / N. Brodszky)
09. Se Você Soubesse (Valmurio)
10. Balada Triste (Dalton Vogeler / Esdras Pereira da Silva)
11. So In Love (Cole Porter)
12. Patrícia (Perez Prado)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos  

GUESS by Bossanov:

I think, sax player from Dalton Vogeler album is Isidor Longano, a.k.a. Bolão / Newton Bola


K-Ximbinho e Seu Conjunto - O Samba de Cartola (1958)

Polydor LPNG 4025

The newest package by Pedro & 300discos, is getting transferred to my PC as I write confronted with a sweet dilemma: Which one of the two albums from my Santa Claus list that are included in the package to post first?

I decided to give priority to the older one, even if the difference in age is just one year.

K-Ximbinho's career album from 1958 which has, as far as I know, never before been presented on the net.
His other career albums, two 78 rpms, as well as several of his participations you may find in another reality.

The list of musicians is prominent:

K-Ximbinho (Clarinete)
August Keller e Hans Breittinger (Oboé)
Luis Barbosa Mendes (Trompete)
Nestor Campos (Guitarra)
Pedro Vidal Ramos (Contrabaixo)
Paulinho (Bateria)
Milton Marçal e Sebastião Barros (Ritmo)
Ari Paulo da Silva (Trompa)
Aderbal Moreira (Sax barítono)
Juarez Araújo (Sax tenor)
Jorge Ferreira da Silva (Sax alto)
Meirelles e Antônio Souza (Flauta)

So is the repertoire:

01. Viva Meu Samba (Billy Blanco)
02. Agora É Cinza (Alcebíades Barcelos "Bide" / Armando "Marçal")
03. Chove Lá Fora (Tito Madi)
04. Aquarela do Brasil (Ary Barroso)
05. E Eu Sem Maria (Dorival Caymmi / Alcyr Pires Vermelho)
06. A Voz do Morro (Zé Keti)
07. Onde O Céu Azul É Mais Azul (Alcyr Pires Vermelho / Alberto Ribeiro / João de Barro)
08. Se Você Jurar (Ismael Silva / Nilton Bastos / Francisco Alves)
09. Sucedeu Assim (Tom Jobim / Marino Pinto)
10. João Valentão (Dorival Caymmi)
11. Ai Que Saudades da Amélia (Ataulfo Alves / Mário Lago)
12. Falsa Baiana (Geraldo Pereira)

TOP SAMBA New link 14. May 2021

Créditos: Pedro & 300discos 


Jose Lopes - Oracao de Amor (1960)

Chantecler CMG 2061

The second album featuring Maestro Guerra Peixe as orchestra leader, sent by Fausto Neves, is actually a career album of José Lopes. It is an LP from the collection of Paulo Lucio, digitalized by our friend Quelinho and initially published on one of his Bau de Long Playing sites, where it, unfortunately, can not be found any more, so I took the liberty to re-post it here.

Almost La Scala:

01. Oração de Amor (Maximino Parisi / Canarinho / José Lopes)
02. Traidora (José Lopes)
03. Violão Imortal (Alfredo Godinho / Daniel Magalhães)
04. Beijando-te Ao Luar (José Lopes / Maximino Parisi)
05. Olhos Negros (Otchi Chiornia) (Tradicional / Adpt. Teddy Vieira)
06. Mágoas de Um Boêmio (Teddy Vieira / Nizio)
07. Morrendo de Amor (Canarinho / Maximino Parisi)
08. Preso 1013 (Sereno)
09. Covarde (Luis de Castro)
10. Amar Viver e Sorrir (Zé da Pinta)
11. Duas Taças (Geraldo de Campos / Canarinho)
12. Escravo de Ti (José Lopes / Munhoz Carmona)


Créditos: Paulo Lucio / Quelinho - Bau de Long Playing / Fausto Neves


Guerra Peixe e Orquestra - O Rei da Valsa (Johann Strauss) (1959)

Chantecler CMG 1003

A mail correspondence with friend Fausto Neves, an admirer of Maestro Guerra Peixe, about his music and music for gafieras in general, resulted in his sending me some albums by and featuring Guerra Peixe he found on the net and which were not present in my collection.

Here is an extract from one of his mails:

"Cesar Guerra-Peixe was an important Brazilian composer, music professor, arranger and conductor.
Even as a composer of concert music, he worked a lot as musical director, arranger and composer for film music.
He also worked with radio stations orchestras and orchestras of popular dance halls.
In Brazil these dance halls are called gafieiras.

The Lps included here (such as those you have) are best examples of the music for gafieiras."

Here is  Maestro Guerra Peixe in 1959 performing valsas composed by Johann Strauss. This album was digitalized by a charming lady, Cláudia Beraldo.

Die Walzer:

01. Danúbio Azul (Johann Strauss)
02. Sangue Vienense (J. Strauss)
03. Rosas Do Sul (Johann Strauss)
04. Vozes da Primavera (J. Strauss)
05. Valsa do Tesouro (Schatz Walzer) (J. Strauss)
06. O Morcego (Johann Strauss)
07. Vinho Mulher e Canção (J. Strauss)
08. Contos dos Bosques de Viena (J. Strauss)
09. Vida de Artista (Künslerleben) (J. Strauss)
10. Valsa do Imperador (J. Strauss)


Créditos: Cláudia Beraldo / Fausto Neves