
Mauricio de Oliveira - Violao em Tempo de Valsa (1968)

London / Odeon LLB 1041

What I can tell you about violão player Mauricio de Oliveira whose premiere on Parallel Realities is just happening, amounts to a few facts (?) about his discography:

He has released at least:

1 78 rpm in 1953
6 albums during the period from 1964 - 1970
2 albums during the period from 1997 - 2004
1 various artists release (N/D) participation with three compositions.

The compositions he performs are:

01. Abismo de Rosas (Américo Jacomino "Canhoto")
02. Lágrimas de Virgem (Luiz Americano)
03. Saudade Eterna (Santos Coelho)
04. Eu Sonhei Que Tu Estavas Tão Linda (Lamartine Babo / Francisco Matoso)
05. Mimi (Uriel Lourival)
06. Ave-Maria (Erothides de Campos)
07. Branca (Zequinha de Abreu)
08. Saudades de Ouro Preto (Tradicional)
09. Se Ela Perguntar (Jair Amorim / Dilermando Reis)
10. Pisando Corações (Antenógenes Silva / Ernâni Campos)
11. Folhas ao Vento (Milton Amaral)
12. Gotas de Lágrimas (Mozart Bicalho)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

1 comment:

  1. Marvellous thank you Milan and Pedro i didnt have this one.If you can find a recording by a Brazilian guitarist called Maria Haro playin the choros of Nicanor Teixeira it would be great--havent been able to find it anywhere.cheers Stu


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