
Diversos - Voce E O Artista (1960)

Philips P 630.429 L

Something out of the usual: A Karaoquê LP created by Philips back in 1960! The songs are sung on the first track by the appropriate artist (with a few words by them presenting themselves, the composition etc), then on the next track goes the same music but without vocals, prepared for you to sing it and compare your voice to the renowned artist...

Also the texts are printed out on the back cover, so you don't have to memorise it (in case the song is unknown to you).

Sing along with the singers or sing alone, accompanied by the musicians only, the songs:

01. Tome Continha de Você (Dolores Duran / Edson Borges) Sônia Delfino
02. Tome Continha de Você (Dolores Duran / Edson Borges) Para Você Cantar

03. Chora Tua Tristeza (Oscar Castro Neves / Luvercy Fiorini) Сarlos Lуra
04. Chora Tua Tristeza (Oscar Castro Neves / Luvercy Fiorini) Para Você Cantar

05. Patinho Feio (Oscar Castro Neves / Dolores Duran) Laís
06. Patinho Feio (Oscar Castro Neves / Dolores Duran) Para Você Cantar

07. Leva-me Contigo (Dolores Duran) Vera Lúcia
08. Leva-me Contigo (Dolores Duran) Para Você Cantar

09. Dindi (Tom Jobim / Aloysio de Oliveira) Lúcio Alves
10. Dindi (Tom Jobim / Aloysio de Oliveira) Para Você Cantar

11. Samba de Uma Nota Só (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça) Sуlvia Telles
12. Samba de Uma Nota Só (Tom Jobim / Newton Mendonça) Para Você Cantar


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


  1. Estou a procura do Album O Talento da Silvia Telles, você teria como conseguir, o outro que tenha a musica "eu sei que vou te Amar", agradeço a atenção,um abraço e obrigado.

    1. Almost all albums by Silvia Telles are copyrighted and get deleted by servers automatically, but "Eu sei que vou te amar" I have managed to upload for you and so far it is on server:


      Let's hope that it will not be removed.


To request a LINK RENEWAL, send a mail to:
If it is possible, you will receive a PayPal contribution request of
2.99 EUR per album.
A new link will be sent to you by mail.