
A Bandinha do Mozart - Viva Vovodeville (1964)

Polydor LPNG 4089

There is a third album by Mozart inside the latest Pedro & 300discos package but unfortunately, without the usual, perfectly scanned and retouched, original cover.
The label pictures were inside, which led me to the conclusion that this particular album from the immense Pedro collection was without cover. The front and back pictures included are taken from blurry photos found on Mercadolivre.

Anyway, Viva Vovodeville is apparently a real rarity.
It is, as far as I know, the soundtrack for a theater or TV show of the vaudeville kind.

The (sound)tracks are lined up as follows:

01. Alexander's Ragtime Band (Irving Berlin)
02. Vila Nova da Rainha (Porfírio Costa)
03. A Tuba do Jujuba (Alcebíades Nogueira)
04. Bigorrilho (Sebastião Gomes / Paquito / Romeu Gentil)
05. O Sanfoneiro Só Tocava Isso (Haroldo Lobo / Geraldo Medeiros)
06. Deixa Falar (Mário Lago / Roberto Martins)
07. Enquanto a Tristeza Não Vem (Sérgio Ricardo)
08. Viva Vovôdeville (Mozart Ituassú / Astor Silva)
09. Quatrocentas Primaveras (Bob Nelson / Almeida Rego)
10. Limoeiro do Norte (Porfírio Costa)
11. A Perereca da Vizinha (Dercy Gonçalves / Jonatan)
12. Trombone Maxixeiro (José Alves Pereira)
13. Viva Caruarú (Chiquinho do Acordeom / Radamés Gnattali)
14. Rio Manhoso (Emílio Batista / Mozart Ituassú)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos


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    Luís Jorge


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